Protest Politics 101: An Interview with Frances Fox-Piven
Editor's note: Frances Fox Piven is Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the City University of New York. She is author of a number of books on class, including Regulating the Poor, Poor Peoples’ Movements, and The New Class.
Labor: Union Advantage Reaches New Highs
Since the 2001 recession, wages and benefits for nonunion workers have been pushed down, while wages and benefits for union workers have remained more consistent and rising costs for health care have pushed up the benefits portion of hourly costs of union workers...Wages for union workers averaged $20.76 per hour in March 2005, compared with $16.72 for nonunion workers.
Australia: Howard Government Considers Outlawing Strikes
The proposed new laws place iron fisted restrictions on the rights of workers to defend themselves and their rights. They expose individual workers as well as their unions and union officials to massive compensation claims from anyone who claims to have been affected by their actions.
WFTU: World Must Implement Worker Rights Pact
The 93rd Session of the International Labour Conference is meeting in a year which commemorates the anniversary of our organization, WFTU, which was founded at the end of the Second World War 60 years ago, just after the creation of the UN.
Bush’s Double Standards Leave Working People Behind
The Bush administration demands higher standards of democracy from countries abroad than it is willing to practice here at home, insists a new report published by American Rights at Work, a non-partisan organization that advocates for workers rights...Unfortunately, Bush’s standard of democracy seems to apply only to countries that it doesn’t like or is trying to impose its agenda on
International Labor Federation Condemns Australian Anti-worker Policies
One of the principal thrusts of the new legislation is to force workers on to individual contracts called “Australian Workplace Agreements” (AWAs) thus eliminating collective representation. The new legislation will also make on-the-job access to workers more difficult for elected trade union officials.
Labor in the Era of Capitalist Globalization
Capitalist globalization has to be met with international labor solidarity. The process of building global labor solidarity is an objective process of the class struggle, just as capitalist globalization is an objective process...To quote a trite cliché, labor’s salvation is not in rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship, but in navigating the storm...
New Report: Workers Seeking Unions Denied Fundamental Democratic Rights
An independent report concludes the U.S. union election process administered by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) systematically violates the fundamental rights that govern U.S. elections, denying workers the freedom to form unions.
Extraordinarily Rancid Justice
'...given the track record of Priscilla Owens, Janice Rogers Brown, and William Pryor, I wonder how extreme a candidate has to be before these Democrats and their seven Republican colleagues would reject them... Their acceptance invites the Republican right to push the envelope still further.'

Cintas Retaliates Against Union with Lawsuit
Despite a lawsuit that challenges a labor union’s method of organizing workers at Cintas, a national uniform manufacturer and laundry company, UNITE HERE, the union involved, says it will continue to help workers fight a laundry list of labor violations and excessive exploitation by the company.