'Deep Throat' Opens Up: an Historical Perspective: PA contributing editor, Norman Markowitz
As a student of J. Edgar’s corrupt and sinister career as America’s and the world’s longest lived political police chief I must admit that I burst out laughing when it was revealed that Mark Felt, Hoover’s number two man at the time of his death and a longtime member of his inner circle, had leaked the information that eventually did in Hoover’s old political pal, Richard Nixon

Bush and the Downing Street Memo
An internal memo from British Prime Minister Tony Blair foreign policy aide Matthew Rycroft detailing a meeting between Prime Minister Tony Blair, his top security advisors, and his Attorney General was leaked in early May and published in the British press.
Iraqi Trade Unionists to Tour the US
US Labor Against the War has organized an unprecedented national tour of Iraqi trade unionists from June 10-26, touring two dozen cities, and providing opportunities for thousands of US trade unionists to meet and talk with representatives of Iraq’s labor movement who are fighting for a progressive, secular and democratic future.
Against terrorism, in defense of humanity: an appeal
The people have a right to know the truth. Those who wage a genocidal war in the name of a war on terrorism must not be allowed to cover up their systematic use of the most perverse of terrorist methods against the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Faith and Reproductive Rights: Interview with Luis Ricardo Torres-Rivera
I have a very clear memory of being in Catholic school, and coming back home after they’d been talking about abortion and contraception and stuff like that. So I was given a 'good catholic boy' approach to those issues.
ZIMBABWE: War vets threaten action against forced eviction
ZNLWVA(The Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association) chairman Jabulani Sibanda told IRIN that he did not know of any illegal settlers among the war veterans and the poor, and claimed his organisation was only aware of multiple farm owners and illegal settlers among ministers, provincial governors, members of the ruling ZANU-PF politburo and other party organs.
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Region not expected to benefit from new US/UK food aid funding
'It's unfortunate that it's only the fairly high-profile emergencies, such as Darfur, Ethiopia and Eritrea, that are receiving these funds, as there is a silent emergency in Southern Africa - due to HIV/AIDS, erratic weather and weak economies - that is claiming more lives on a daily basis,' World Food Programme (WFP) spokesman Mike Huggins told IRIN.
Iraqi Campaign for a Democratic Constitution Launched in London
The setting up of the “Iraqi Committee for Democratic Constitution” is aimed at active participation by all Iraqi democrats, of all tendencies and affiliations, in writing the permanent constitution in Iraq, and lobby support for a number of principles...
All 8 Japanese Communist Party candidates win in a city election
The JCP tried hard to inform the public that it brought the construction of a wasteful complex to a halt; corrected unfair public projects in favor of a special interest group (Kaido) taking advantage of the past discrimination against a particular section of the population; proposed to cut assembly members' salaries by ten percent; and showed feasibilities of a reduction of national insurance premiums, an expansion of free medical care for children, and subsidies for housing improvement.
Extraordinarily Rancid Justice
'...given the track record of Priscilla Owens, Janice Rogers Brown, and William Pryor, I wonder how extreme a candidate has to be before these Democrats and their seven Republican colleagues would reject them... Their acceptance invites the Republican right to push the envelope still further.'