
Close the Mis-named National Endowment for Democracy

Haven’t heard of the National Endowment for Democracy? Not many people have. Yet the NED is taxpayer funded and carries out foreign policy with no meaningful public oversight or transparency. In fact, it does more to undermine democracy than not.

Governors Hammer McCain on Offshore Drilling 'Flip-Flop'

The George W. Bush-John McCain plan to lift the ban on offshore drilling will not lower the price of gas or put gas in your car, but it will help Big Oil. This was the consensus of three current and former East Coast governors, who announced their opposition to John McCain's proposed energy policy June 18 on a teleconference with reporters.

Legalizing Occupation: Bush’s Last Maneuver in Iraq

When US forces descended on Baghdad five years ago, they seemed unstoppable. Military arrogance had reached an all time high, and it seemed only a matter of time before the same frenzied scenario took place in Teheran, Damascus, and elsewhere.

John McCain's Energy Policy: Same Song, Second Verse

Drill. Drill. Drill. That's John McCain's solution to the U.S. (and global) energy crisis. While most of the world, including most Americans, want alternatives to oil and other fossil fuels in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, John McCain wants to mire us in the sludge of the old oil economy.

Two years later, Lt. Watada remains in ‘legal limbo’

The U.S. Army’s case against 1st Lieutenant Ehren Watada remains unresolved, 2 years after Lt. Watada boldly and publicly refused deployment to Iraq with his unit in June 2006.

John McCain Debates Himself on Social Security

At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire recently Republican nominee John McCain responded to an audience question on Social Security privatization by saying, 'I am not for quote 'privatization of Social Security.' I never have been, never will be.”

Georgia: Grady Hospital Gets Less Trauma Money than Expected

The Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission released its final report Monday, June 09, 2008, on allocating $58.9 million from the State of Georgia for the State’s network of 15 trauma care hospitals.

Neither Courageous nor Independent – Where it Counts

In spite of his complaints about too much partisanship instead of “bipartisan resolve” and honest politics, McCain (twice!) supported and strongly endorsed George W. Bush for president... because of “party loyalty.”

How the Media Got 'Class' Wrong in the Democratic Primaries

The struggle for the votes from the working class has never been more openly discussed. In the mainstream media, we've heard the phrase “working class” far more than the classless phrase “middle class” in recent weeks. This is new feature for national elections.

The Dangers of Yucca Mountain

Plans to store the majority of our nation’s spent nuclear fuel and other highly radioactive waste at a central repository underneath Yucca Mountain in the Nevada desert 80 miles from Las Vegas were first hatched in the mid-1980s.

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