UN General Assembly President Statement on Global Economic Crisis
All the Members of the General Assembly have had and continue to have the chance to express their points of view. Today our efforts have culminated in the adoption by consensus of an outcome document that represents the first step in a long process of putting the world on a new path towards SOLIDARITY, stability and sustainability.
Commentary: Waking Up
We are living in societies plagued with corruption at all levels, we are constantly expanding our militarized societies surveiled by police forces and colonizing armies, which are rapidly eroding our freedoms.

Book Review: The Voice of Hope
U Tin U, the National League for Democracy (NLD) Deputy Leader, once said that “Burma is a prison within a prison.” His words highlight the tragic political, social and economic circumstances that Burma is faced with today, because of the military junta.
The Reason the Cold War has been Renewed
Over dinner the other night, we were discussing the way the world had changed in our lifetime, let alone our parents’ lifetime. When my parents were born, the British Empire bestrode the world like a colossus: it was a truism that the sun in fact never did set on it.
It is Official Now: Swine flu is a Pandemic
Swine flu, or more technically influenza A (H1N1), is now officially a pandemic. Addressing the press on June 11, Dr Margaret Chan, the director general of World Health Organisation (WHO) said, “On the basis of available evidence, and these expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met.
Illusion, Reality and Courage in Iran
In the movie 'The Year of Living Dangerously' the little guy Billy Kwan, brilliantly played by Linda Lee, gives a news reporter Guy Hamilton, played by Mel Gibson, a talk about Indonesian puppets - the kind on sticks, which you can now sometime find in import shops in this country.
Beyond Politics: People for Sale in Hungry World
The global financial crisis has fueled the demand for cheap labor, making the exploitation of the most vulnerable people part and parcel of the economic recovery plans of many companies, and even countries.
Is the Global Recession Over?
Finance ministers of the G8, meeting at Lecce in Italy during the latter part of week ending June 14, were cautiously optimistic. The final communiqué noted that in the aftermath of efforts at financial stabilization and fiscal stimulation “there are signs of stabilization in our economies...
Sunspots Don't Cause Global Warming
Many climate scientists agree that sunspots and solar wind could be playing a role in climate change, but the vast majority view it as very minimal and attribute Earth’s warming primarily to emissions from industrial activity—and they have thousands of peer-reviewed studies available to back up that claim.
The Missing Split in Germany's Left Party
Berlin – A disaster was almost certain. Almost the entire German media, if it deigned to discuss the Left party at all, was sure of a major split at the party congress June 20th and June 21st. They had it all figured out, and were kind enough to help make it happen.