Latin America has to Guarantee the Defeat of the Coup in Honduras
'Latin America has to guarantee the defeat of this coup d'etat and also has to demand, without conditions, the reestablishment of President Manuel Zelaya and ensure justice is done to the fullest extent...'
Honduran People Demand Return of President Manuel Zelaya
The Honduran people have taken to the streets of the capital Tegucigalpa to demand the return of President Manuel Zelaya, who was kidnapped early on Sunday by military forces. Uncertainty prevails in the country as people fear for the life of the Honduran President, according to media reports.
Venezuela and US Move to Normalize Relations
The Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs, Nicolas Maduro Moros, confirmed Wednesday that in the coming days, Venezuelan and US ambassadors, Bernardo Alvarez and Patrick Duddy, will return to their respective diplomatic posts.
US Minister Demands Justice for the Cuban Five
Reverend Dr. Michael Kinnamon, general secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ (NCC) in the United States, advocated more solidarity and demanded justice for the five Cuban antiterrorists incarcerated in the US.
Music and Dance with Venezuelan Soul in the United States Once Again
une 20th marks the beginning of the 2009 Edition of “Venezuela Sounds.” The first tour will feature the renowned “Maestros del Joropo Oriental” and “Grupo Cumaco,” as well as the multitalented violinist Eddy Marcano, all of whom will delight audiences with their musical repertoires.

The People of the Radical Barrio of Blanca Navidad
The people of the settlement of Blanca Navidad, on the outskirts of Nuevo Laredo, just south of the U.S. border. This community was created by workers looking for land to build a place to live, and was founded on December 22, 2004.
Cuban Council of Churches Affirms Commitment to the Cuban People
HAVANA, Cuba, June 19 (acn) Cuban Council of Churches (CIC) President, the Reverend Marcial Miguel Hernandez, affirmed his organization’s commitment to the Cuban people and his solidarity with the cause of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters held in US jails.
Cuba Strengthens Measures against Influenza A H1N1
HAVANA, Cuba, June 18 (acn) The strengthening of epidemiological actions has allowed Cuba keeping the Influenza A H1N1 epidemic in check; since it break out 69 days ago, the pandemic disease has affected 46,000 people in 85 countries.
Video: Normalizing Relations with Cuba
National organizing director of the Communist Party Elena Mora talks with CNN's Rick Sanchez about normalizing relations with Cuba. Skip to about 1:06 on this video clip.
Podcast #102: Building Bridges with Cuba
On this episode, we talk with Elena Mora and John Bachtell, both members of the National Board of the Communist Party and who traveled this month to Cuba for meetings with the Communist Party there and with leaders of various Cuban social and cultural institutions.