How the Right Recruits, and What the Left can Learn
Right-wing psychologist, author and media personality Dr. James Dobson and his national organization, Focus on the Family, have risen in recent decades from obscurity to national prominence. Dobson and his followers now seem poised to wield the degree of national political clout once enjoyed by Jerry Falwell and his “Moral Majority.”
Friday Night Congress: What Was That?
During the middle of the day on Friday, I spent an hour or two on a conference call with activists and congressional staffers discussing next steps to end the war. We planned, among other things, to organize support for Congressman John Murtha's bill, H.J.Res. 73, which he introduced on Friday.
Grim King George and the Price of Paving Paradise
On a cloudless November morning, I stroll lazily along the sidewalk listening to an old Joni Mitchell tune, Big Yellow Taxi. And while Joni sings the refrain, it occurs to me that her words provide an apt epitaph for the end of Grim King George’s reign: “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve gone till it's gone. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.”
Twas the night before Fitzmas, and in the White House....
Twas the night before Fitzmas, and in the White House
Every one was scared shitless, and Bush was quite soused
Every one was scared shitless, and Bush was quite soused
Australia: Proposed anti-terrorism laws
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) met on September 27, 2005 to agree draft anti- terrorism legislation. What was to be the law of Australia was provided in confidence to the State Premiers who, in turn, agreed to keep its contents secret.
Talking Points on House Resolution 505
This piece of legislation is the clearest way for Congress to demand a serious investigation of the Plame leak and the war lies that preceded it.
Right-Wing Judicial Activism
Appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee as nominee for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts assured the senators that he would not be one of those noisome activist judges who inject their personal values into court decisions.
Shake Up in Congress: Targeting Corruption and War Lies
The Campaign for America's Future sent a letter last week to all the Republican lawmakers whose campaigns received money from former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's political action committee.
Supreme Court: Kansas Attorney General is Bush’s Kind of Guy
Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline isn’t a household name yet, but he may be soon. In recent months Mr. Kline has shown that he is the type of judicial nominee that President Bush is looking for.