
A Bulk Rate on Printing Subpoenas?

Chairman John Conyers Jr.  Chairman Henry Waxman.  Those titles will prove to be the most important outcome of yesterday's elections, even if the Dems get the Senate too.  It's investigation and impeachment time.


Getting Wal-Mart Organized Makes Sense to the ACFTU

In recent years, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), the largest labor organization in the world, has launched a time-consuming, seesaw battle with Wal-Mart, the largest multinational retailer in the world.


Book Review: Hugo Chávez, by Nikolas Kozloff

The book turns out to be a reasoned historical presentation of Chávez's rise to power and the social context which produced him, i.e., the racist pro-US Venezuelan elite and its alliance with US imperialism.


Tax cuts for the rich (Excuse me; I mean the Flat Tax)

I once read a translation of Karl Marx' Communist Manifesto.  The only thing radical that I could see in it, other than his call for workers of the World to Unite, was his proposal to transfer wealth by means of a graduated income tax.


Book Review: People Vs. Profits

Victor Perlo, American Marxist economist and author of many books, wrote a regular column for the U.S. Communist newspaper for 39 years, from 1961 to 1999.  A compilation of his articles, selected and edited after his death by his wife and children, has been published in two volumes.


Unleashing the Christ Within: Last Hope for the Moribund Soul of a Nation?

Humanity’s “beacon of hope” is unraveling at its moral seams faster than George Bush can say nucular. 230 years ago, disciples of the Enlightenment shattered the shackles of colonial oppression and inaugurated their conception of a haven for humanity.

On Death and Democracy: Voting for a Cure

Nearly a half century ago, as a young medical student and physician, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was horrified by the poor treatment and lack of basic empathy for terminally ill patients in hospitals. From these experiences, in 1969, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, wrote the renowned book entitled, 'On Death and Dying.' In it, she outlined the five stages of death and bereavement that human beings undergo while facing imminent demise or the certain loss of a loved one. Dr. Kübler-Ross labeled these five stages of grief, sequentially known as, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Today, this pattern of phases, that we have a propensity for when dealing with tragedy, may be a larger metaphor that embodies the past five years of our dying democracy.

The Criterion for Victory Today

There's an article in the NEW YORK TIMES today that says that 'Some Democrats worry that overly optimistic forecasts could be setting the stage for a demoralizing election.' Like we won't know if we've won.

But the criterion for victory in the election today is simple: If the Democrats become the majority party in either house, they have won a great victory. For their party, but much more importantly, for America.

What Can Happen Here?

I keep a copy of Sinclair Lewis's prophetic novel, It Can't Happen Here prominently displayed on my desk. One book among the 10,000+ that I own.
It's a first edition (picked up for a dollar at a book auction I habitually attend.) The jacket reads;

What Will Happen When America Has A Dictator?

One More Day Until Victory

A President Hand-picked by Katherine Harris and the Supreme Court, Misleading a Nation into War, Outing an undercover CIA operative, New Orleans...

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