'Wrong, Wrong, Wrong' : Out Front With John Sweeny
Working family activists have forced President Bush to rescind his pay cut for the workers who will rebuild the Gulf Coast, effective Nov. 8...They are using the tragedy of the Gulf Coast hurricanes as an excuse to slash federal spending on crucial programs that support working families, including our brothers and sisters in Gulf Coast states.
Turning the Corner?: GOP on its Heels
Throw a few indictments at the ruling party and watch how quickly things change. This week has seen important back-pedaling by the Republican Party and the Bush administration.On Tuesday, Congress cut funding for new nuclear weapons, the so-called bunker-buster, from the federal budget
Race, Class and Hurricane Katrina
“I hate the way they portray us in the media,” said hip-hop star Kanye West on a NBC fundraising telethon for the Red Cross relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Katrina. “You see a black family, it says, ‘They’re looting.’ You see a white family, it says, ‘They’re looking for food.’”
Delphi bankruptcy raises big questions
Delphi, the nation’s largest auto parts manufacturer, filed for bankruptcy last week. The company’s 12,000 retirees and 34,000 active workers who have spent their lives on hot, noisy production lines, making everything from air bags to instrument panels, are left staring at a future without pensions or health care.
Republicans in the News (October 20, 2004)
More tales of Republican Party corruption, abuse of veterans, an anti-working class agenda, and plain craziness.
Poll This, Blacks Tell Bush
Two percent. That's the percentage of U.S. blacks who approve of President Bush's job performance, a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found...No amount of Rove's strategic and tactical skill can counter the televised imagery of modern-day savagery after Katrina. He and the neo-cons can only hope for a miracle to counter what the world has seen in the hurricane region.
The US Prison Industry: big business or slavery?
HUMAN rights organizations, as well as political and social ones, are condemning what they are calling a new form of inhumane exploitation in the United States, where they say a prison population of up to 2 million – mostly Black and Hispanic – are working for various industries for a pittance.
California Workers Mobilize to Beat Back Schwarzenegger’s Attacks
California’s working families are mobilized to beat back special election ballot measures proposed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) and financed by his millionaire corporate friends that attack union members’ political freedom, teachers’ jobs and school funding.
Take e-Action: Rebuild America, Protect Workers Rights
Take e-action to protest the Bush agenda for the Gulf Coast, to support the demand to ratify the Kyoto Treaty, and to protest TimeWarner's exploitation of child labor.

News Roundup: Iraq, Bush taxes, terror hoax and more
Iraqis voters overwhelmingly favor troop withdrawal from their country. New report shows the Iraq war costs US taxpayers almost $6 billion per month. To pay for it, big business and Republican-dominated tax advisory panel plans to advise Bush to raise taxes on working families. Was the New York terror hoax a diversionary tactic?