'Wrong, Wrong, Wrong' : Out Front With John Sweeny
Working family activists have forced President Bush to rescind his pay cut for the workers who will rebuild the Gulf Coast, effective Nov. 8...They are using the tragedy of the Gulf Coast hurricanes as an excuse to slash federal spending on crucial programs that support working families, including our brothers and sisters in Gulf Coast states.
Ivory Coast : Government courting Liberia’s ex-combatants, human rights group says
Cote d’Ivoire, once a bastion of stability in West Africa, has been split into a government-controlled south and a rebel-held north since a failed coup in 2002...In this tense climate, HRW reports that recruiters from both sides of the border are offering money, food and clothing to Liberians willing to fight alongside government forces in Cote d’Ivoire.
China: 2,000 US military deaths in Iraq constitute milestone of tragedy
According to The Independent, a British newspaper, a survey carried out in Iraq in August showed that 82 percent of Iraqis said they are 'strongly opposed' to the US-led coalition troops in their country, while less than 1 percent said the US troops are responsible for an improvement in security.
Cuba Accepts Exchange with US Experts on Damage Inflicted by Wilma
During a TV appearance on Thursday, the Cuban President explained that the island's Foreign Ministry sent the US Interests Section in Havana a note explaining that Cuba had not requested international assistance...Cuba does not oppose the visit by three US experts in order to learn of their criteria and discuss the issues related to the storm
Writing in the Age of Terror
Obviously, if this really were an age of terror, an age in which we were all terrorized, there would be no writing. You can't write if you're terrorized. I mean, you can, but your writing will have all the clarity of a campaign speech by John Kerry, or all the relevance of the election-year literature produced by the AFL-CIO, which refused to acknowledge that there was a war in Iraq.
NOW Urges O'Connor to Remain on Court
In a statment released this week, National Organization for Women (NOW) President Kim Gandy called on Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor to remain at her post.
How Has it Come to This?
On November 2nd, one year after an election that saw more 'irregularities' than any in recent history, I will be leading a march to the streets to drive out the Bush regime!
Letter of Resignation
I hereby resign my position as a silent accomplice to your perpetration of and involvement in bullying, rape, and murder. I will no longer sit dumbly by while you, purporting to be my government, fabricate and manipulate evidence in order to engage in illegal wars of aggression.
Turning the Corner?: GOP on its Heels
Throw a few indictments at the ruling party and watch how quickly things change. This week has seen important back-pedaling by the Republican Party and the Bush administration.On Tuesday, Congress cut funding for new nuclear weapons, the so-called bunker-buster, from the federal budget

Ed Roybal Presente (1916 – 2005)
Ed Roybal, first 20th Century Mexican American elected to the Los Angeles City Council (1949-1963) and to the House of Representatives (1963-1992) was a progressive Latino politician long before there was something called a Chicano movement.