Time Warp: Hoover, Bush, McCain and Economic Crisis
A funny little book titled Oh Yeah by a journalist named Edward Angly became a national bestseller in 1931. It was a compilation of a few hundred statements from 1929 to 1931 by President Hoover and others explaining variously that the Depression wasn't so bad or that it was over or that pretty much nothing could be done about it.
Financial Meltdown Could Increase Jobless by 20 Million
The global financial crisis could increase world unemployment by an estimated 20 million women and men, the director-general of the International Labor Office (ILO) said on Monday.

Jobs with Justice Builds Broad Support for the Employee Free Choice Act
This is a very challenging moment in our history, but also a moment filled with opportunities, including the chance to take a big step forward in our fight for worker justice.
The Crisis in Germany, Das Kapital, and the Poll Results
Yes, the big economic crisis is hitting Germany, too. The evidence includes the hasty meetings of top politicians and the decision by the government coalition of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats to save the suffering banks with 500 billion Euros in credit.
Is the Crisis Transforming Global Finance?
After much dithering, lots of high drama and much effort to avoid the inevitable for fear that it would straightjacket capitalism, governments in the developed industrial countries have taken the first, major, necessary step to begin resolving the financial crisis.

Guide to the Bush-McCain Economy, Week 5
What will be impact of the Wall Street bankruptcies, bailouts and blunders on working people in this country and worldwide? What's the solution to the crisis?

Karl Marx and the Economic Crisis Today
In a recent article for Reuters, titled “Karl Marx and the World Financial Crisis,” Bernd Debussmann discusses the present global crisis.
McCain Campaign: Tax Relief for Working Families is 'Welfare'
Provide $45 billion in tax breaks for the 200 biggest corporations or $4 billion to the five largest oil companies, and the McCain campaign calls it economic stimulus. If it the plan is to provide 95 percent of working families with real tax relief, however, the McCain campaign calls it 'welfare.'

Online Tax Calculator Shows Benefits of Obama Plan
Taxes have emerged as an issue in the 2008 presidential race, with John McCain charging Barack Obama with planning to raise taxes, despite the Obama campaign's pledge to reduce taxes for 95 percent of working families.
Make Every Effort to Achieve Peace in Afghanistan
Seven years have elapsed since the United States started its war of retaliation against Afghanistan. With turmoil growing in the Afghan situation, there is a widespread view in the United Nations and countries that keep ground troops there that military means cannot resolve the conflict.