Time Warp: Hoover, Bush, McCain and Economic Crisis
A funny little book titled Oh Yeah by a journalist named Edward Angly became a national bestseller in 1931. It was a compilation of a few hundred statements from 1929 to 1931 by President Hoover and others explaining variously that the Depression wasn't so bad or that it was over or that pretty much nothing could be done about it.
Some Basic Causes for the Uncertainty of Polling
In chapter 7 of David W. Moore's new book, The Opinion Makers, the author tries to look ahead at the future of polling. He begins with a discussion of the how the polls blew it with regard to their predictions of the outcome of New Hampshire primary held in January 2008.
McCain Campaign Chair Orders Investigation of Lawful Voters
In Cincinnati, this week, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), along with other voting rights groups, charged the Hamilton County Special Prosecutor's office with arbitrarily investigating voters who lawfully used Ohio's same-day voter registration before casting a ballot in the state's early voting process.
The Death Penalty: The Ultimate Injustice
The state of Georgia is set to kill Troy Anthony Davis on Oct. 27. Earlier this month, the US Supreme refused to take up Mr. Davis' appeal, terminating a temporary stay of execution.
A Second Wave for Dems in the House?
With all eyes focused on the remaining 14 days of the presidential campaign, little attention has been aimed at the congressional races and the possibility for a second sweep of between 10 and 20 Republican-held seats in Congress, by some estimates.
VA Document Shredding Part of Cost-cutting Policy?
Department of Veterans Affairs offices have been caught discarding veterans' benefits claims and related personal documents without reviewing those claims, an Air Force Times story reported this week.
Jobs with Justice Builds Broad Support for the Employee Free Choice Act
This is a very challenging moment in our history, but also a moment filled with opportunities, including the chance to take a big step forward in our fight for worker justice.
Is the Crisis Transforming Global Finance?
After much dithering, lots of high drama and much effort to avoid the inevitable for fear that it would straightjacket capitalism, governments in the developed industrial countries have taken the first, major, necessary step to begin resolving the financial crisis.
Guide to the Bush-McCain Economy, Week 5
What will be impact of the Wall Street bankruptcies, bailouts and blunders on working people in this country and worldwide? What's the solution to the crisis?
Canada: Voters Block Tory Majority
The governing Conservatives under PM Stephen Harper managed to improve their standing in the new Parliament after the October 14 general election, but fell short of the majority which they and their corporate masters were so determined to achieve.