Australia's Bailout Black Hole
The federal government pressed on with its startling splurge of taxpayers’ money last week with a range of one-off payments to boost spending and revive a stalling economy.
New Mexico Republicans Illegally Obtain Voter Registration Documents
Voting rights groups demanded a criminal investigation this week into whether or not New Mexico's Bernalillo County Clerk's Office released confidential voter information to Republican Party operatives in violation of state privacy laws.
Time Warp: Hoover, Bush, McCain and Economic Crisis
A funny little book titled Oh Yeah by a journalist named Edward Angly became a national bestseller in 1931. It was a compilation of a few hundred statements from 1929 to 1931 by President Hoover and others explaining variously that the Depression wasn't so bad or that it was over or that pretty much nothing could be done about it.
Some Basic Causes for the Uncertainty of Polling
In chapter 7 of David W. Moore's new book, The Opinion Makers, the author tries to look ahead at the future of polling. He begins with a discussion of the how the polls blew it with regard to their predictions of the outcome of New Hampshire primary held in January 2008.
Japan: Government Plans to Force People to Pay for Financial Fallout
The G7 finance ministers and central bank governors adopted a 'plan of action' to deal with the worldwide financial crisis that started in the United States. It calls for each country to 'raise capital from public as well as private sources' to help major financial institutions improve their equity-capital ratio.

Book Review: Belching Out the Devil
Coca-Cola is the poster child for capitalism. Its brand alone is valued at $65 billion – number one for six years in a row.
McCain Campaign Chair Orders Investigation of Lawful Voters
In Cincinnati, this week, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), along with other voting rights groups, charged the Hamilton County Special Prosecutor's office with arbitrarily investigating voters who lawfully used Ohio's same-day voter registration before casting a ballot in the state's early voting process.
Israel and the Current Capitalist Crisis
The financial crisis has not skipped over Israel. The country that has been integrating itself in global capitalist markets in the last decades is once again seeing the ugliest side of capitalism, as the stock markets have dropped over a stunning 10 percent since the beginning of the month.

The Death Penalty: The Ultimate Injustice
The state of Georgia is set to kill Troy Anthony Davis on Oct. 27. Earlier this month, the US Supreme refused to take up Mr. Davis' appeal, terminating a temporary stay of execution.
God Wants Evil Doers to Die, Says Kansas Abortion Ideologue
The 2008 presidential has officially sunk to a new low. The McCain-Palin campaign and its Republican base have resorted to regular racist epithets to describe Barack Obama and his supporters. A new e-mail circulated by an anti-choice activist in Kansas, however, has turned such threats and smears in a new direction.