
Fight for Democracy: Take Action Today

Take action today to provide aid to the victims of Katrina, support the call for a Resolution of Inquiry to investigate the Bush administration's use of intelligence to start the war in Iraq, help block cuts to student financial aid, and fight the arch-conservative John Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court.

Emphasizing the 'ass' in Compassionate Conservatism

All of you out there weeping and wailing about the suffering of those displaced and made homeless by Hurricane Katrina can cut out your histrionics. As it turns out, Hurricane Katrina, far from being a massive natural disaster with horrific consequences, has actually been a boon to the poor and destitute of Louisiana and Mississippi. That's right, thanks to Hurricane Katrina, some of the poorest of Americans are now better off.

News Roundup: Oil, Gas, Human Rights...all rare commodities

The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) this week exposed internal oil company memos that show how the industry intentionally reduced domestic refining capacity to drive up profits. The exposure comes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina as the oil industry blames environmental regulation for limiting the number of US refineries.

Seems like More People Died than Prospered under Bush’s Leadership

Another few thousand bit the dust. Chalk another one up for the Bush administration. That’ll be President Bush’s long lasting legacy when we look back on the first few years of the 21st Century. Thousands of people killed on U.S. soil because the president failed to protect them.

Racism and Sexism are at the Core of John Roberts’ Judicial Activism

In a weak effort to shift searing public critique of the Republican and Bush administration’s inadequate, incompetent, and racist response to the Katrina disaster, President Bush announced over the weekend that he was amending his nomination of John G. Roberts to serve as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

The New Orleans Crisis and the Bush Ultra-Right Government

The unprecedented New Orleans disaster is reverberating through the world. After a generation of demagoguery about “reverse racism,” equating poverty with sin, and condemnations of activist big government, the Bush administration has no foreign power or ideology to blame for the fact that thousands of overwhelmingly poor and African American people are dead or in life-threatening situations because of a generation of right-wing rule.

How the Free Market Killed New Orleans

The free market played a crucial role in the destruction of New Orleans and the death of thousands of its residents. Forewarned that a momentous (force 5) hurricane was going to hit that city and surrounding areas, what did officials do? They played the free market.

Right Wing Crazier Than We Can Suppose

The eminent biologisgt J.B.S. Haldane once said, famously, that 'the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.'

Buck stops with Bush

EACH time that US President George W Bush opens his mouth on the situation in New Orleans, he displays his ignorance and his inability to rise above narrow-minded politicking.

Communist Party, USA Demands Full Federal Support For Katrina Victims

Hurricane Katrina has inflicted an immense and unspeakable tragedy on the people of the Gulf Coast. The situation grows worse by the hour. The Mayor of New Orleans estimates that thousands have died and as many as 100,000 may still be trapped in the flooded city. Without food or drinkable water, time is running out for these men, women and children.

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