
Defending our rights to travel to Cuba

As American citizens we have been increasingly dismayed for some time at the policies of our government. 'Lawlessness' - domestic as well as international - seems to be the basic thread which unites these policies - whether it is the violations of the United Nations Charter, the flouting of international agreements against torture and arbitrary detention, the theft of elections, or the undermining of constitutionally guaranteed civil rights.

Hundreds Rally at White House for 'A Day for Darfur'

To mark the one-year anniversary of the Bush Administration’s declaration of genocide in Darfur, Sudan, hundreds of activists joined leadership figures at a rally outside the White House today to denounce the continuing failure of political leadership from President Bush on this crisis.

Neo-Liberalism Is Capitalism And Imperialism of Today

In our opinion globalization and imperialism today cannot be analysed separately from neo-liberalism. Neo-liberalism is inseparable from globalization and from the capitalism of today. It is a combination of extreme exploitation, some times in new forms; it is a combination of domestic political, economic and ideological pressures, backed up by international pressure and military force if necessary.

Fight for Democracy: Take Action Today

Take action today to provide aid to the victims of Katrina, support the call for a Resolution of Inquiry to investigate the Bush administration's use of intelligence to start the war in Iraq, help block cuts to student financial aid, and fight the arch-conservative John Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court.

Emphasizing the 'ass' in Compassionate Conservatism

All of you out there weeping and wailing about the suffering of those displaced and made homeless by Hurricane Katrina can cut out your histrionics. As it turns out, Hurricane Katrina, far from being a massive natural disaster with horrific consequences, has actually been a boon to the poor and destitute of Louisiana and Mississippi. That's right, thanks to Hurricane Katrina, some of the poorest of Americans are now better off.

New Orleans and the Fourth Anniversary of the September 11 Attacks

Just as it showed at the end of 2000 that those who control the counting and recounting of votes determine who 'wins' and election, the Bush administration is showing us that those who control and in effect censor media images 'invent reality.'

News Roundup: Oil, Gas, Human Rights...all rare commodities

The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) this week exposed internal oil company memos that show how the industry intentionally reduced domestic refining capacity to drive up profits. The exposure comes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina as the oil industry blames environmental regulation for limiting the number of US refineries.


Preventable Hurricane Katrina Disaster Sparks Protest

OAKLAND, CA - 6SEPTEMBER05 - Demonstrators in front of Oakland's Federal Building condemn the slow response of the Bush administration to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and accuse the Federal government of discrimination against victims who are largely Black and poor.

Health Care: 'It's time for a Medicare for All solution'

With the number of uninsured in Massachusetts at its highest rate in seven years, 40 community and labor groups united on Sept. 1 for a grassroots hearing to build support for common sense approach to health care reform that saves money, improves quality, and guarantees access to health care for all.


In our pursuit for Global Justice and creating a better world that will uphold our heritage, we have come a long way. I stand before you today as an African woman. Somebody who experiences on a daily basis the pain and indignity of hunger, disease and illiteracy. For one who works at the grassroots level, it is a rare honour for me to be even given such an opportunity and I thank the organizers and all of you for this.

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