The Credit Crisis: Result of a Neo-liberal, Imperialist Trajectory
August’s financial crisis originated in the United States from the practices of its private financial institutions. These firms have made a heavy entry into the credit sector in recent years, in the housing market but also in consumables, secured by residential mortgages.

Twisted Justice in Miami
Similar to the kidnapping of the Cuban boy, Elián González, seven years ago, a five year-old Cuban girl is today the center of an international dispute over her custody in the only place in the world where something like this could happen: the U.S. city of Miami, in south Florida.

Naomi Klein on 'Disaster Capitalism'
This article is a review of Naomi Klein’s important article in the October 2007 issue of Harper’s Magazine (“Disaster Capitalism: The new economy of catastrophe”) based on her new book, The Shock Doctrine.
The Third World in the 20th Century: Interview with Vijay Prashad
There are many origins for this book. One of them was that I grew up in a period when the Third World Movement was beginning to fall apart. That was in the 1970s, when my lingering interest, you might even call it my obsession, with the early years of the Third World Project began.

International Conference Builds Support for Test Ban Treaty; US Doesn't Show Up
The fifth Conference to promote the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty (CTBT) concluded on 18 September 2007 with urgent calls to hold-out States to sign and ratify the Treaty.

September 21: International Day of Peace
Peace is one of humanity’s most precious needs. It is also the UN’s highest calling. It defines our mission. It drives our discourse.
Why We Oppose the Indo-U.S. Military Ties
Since the 1990s, the U.S. government made overtures to the Indian Government for a military alliance. When the Bush administration came to power it wanted India to be a part of its missile defence shield.