Canadian Communists Condemn Racist Campaign Around 'Voting Rights'
In a statement released several days before the Sept. 17 byelections in Quebec, the Communist Party of Canada expressed its 'deep dismay at the attempts to whip up racism and xenophobia around the rights of veiled Muslim women to vote.'

Book Review: The State of the American Empire
On first perusal my perceptions told me this was my kind of book: lots of graphs, charts, and maps for my visual learning strengths, more akin to the National Geographic where I can glean most of the significant information from the photos and captions as much as I can from the text.

Jena Six and the Struggle for Equal Justice Under the Law
It was one of the most awesome demonstrations I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to many. Partly because it was so huge and in such a small town. I would estimate there were around 50,000 people there.

Why We Can’t Just Walk Past Jena
The other day while playing with my remote control, I stumbled onto the “Andy Griffith Show.” This was the later Griffith years, the colorized broadcasts. Opie had to have been around 12. Aunt Bee was still baking pies and using them for blackmail leverage.

Dems Blast Bush Hypocrisy Around Veto Threat of S-CHIP
In a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives today (9-25), Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) urged passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) reauthorization bill and accused President Bush and Republican opponents of the bill of hypocrisy.

GM Autoworkers Strike Against Sending Jobs Overseas
After General Motors refused to agree to keep new car production and jobs in the US as part of the 2007 auto negotiations with the United Auto Workers (UAW) earlier this week, the union called a national strike of 73,000 autoworkers at 80 General Motors plants in the US.

Jena Six Case Exposes Right-wing Media Double Standard
Tens of thousands of people marched in Jena, Louisiana last Thursday to protest the arrest and trial of six African American high school students who allegedly fought with white students after some white students hung nooses in a tree on the grounds of Jena High School.

Georgia: Two General Assembly Committees Devote Day to Grady
Two Georgia General Assembly Committees held separate hearings at the Georgia Capitol on the Grady Health System, Wednesday, September 19, 2007.
Congress Set to Pass Anti-discrimination Bill
Congress is expected to vote on the Employment Non-discrimination Act or ENDA this week. This bill would outlaw discrimination in the workplace against gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender individuals.

50,000 March to 'Free the Jena 6'
An estimated 50,000 protesters riding hundreds of chartered buses from across the nation arrived in this little town at dawn Sept. 20 for a daylong demonstration demanding freedom for the “Jena Six.”