I thought in this time of theorectical tumult that I would do a simple Marxist IQ on a few fundamental, if often neglected principles of Marxism as a reminder to our readers who have to cope, as we all do, with the cumulative distortions of capitalist mass media every day
1. Marx saw as the decisive force in creating revolutionary change
a. Political parties
b. Social classes
c. Nation states
d. Religious movements
2. Marx saw three modes/systems of production as having existed in human history up to and in his lifetime. They were
a. the local, national, and global modes of production
b. the Hindu, Muslim, and Christian modes of production
c. the Slave, feudal, and capitalist modes of production
d. The Market, the State, and the Half and Half modes of Production
3. Marx saw capitalism as a mode of production/system doomed eventually because
a. It was unjust and unfair and workers wouldn’t put up with it
b. Communists would plot revolutions against capitalist governments
c. Most people were lazy and stupid and would not work hard enough to produce goods and make capitalism a successs
d. Its expansion of production and exploitation of labor would create a chronic and deepening crisis of overproduction linked to underconsumption(later called depressions)
4. Marx saw socialism replacing capitalism as a mode of production/system because
a. Its emphasis on production for use represented the interests of the working class, the overwhelming majority of the people
b. It through planning and public ownership had the capacity to control and establish a balance between production and consumption which capitalism couldn't
c. Capitalism by creating both the modern working class and the factory system of mass production created the conditions for socialism
d. All of the above
5. Marx believed that socialism would be established through revolutionary struggle because
a. No ruling class in any pre-existing mode of production/system had surrendered its economic/political power peacefully
b. Working class armies would rebel against their capitalist governments when war was declared
c. The Blanquists were right that seizing the government and then bringing the revolution to the people was the only way to establish socialism
d. The anarchists were right that revolutionary violence to smash the capitalist state was the only tactic to establish socialism