a poem invoking the year 1848 and other years

                                         for the people actually doing the occupy
                                         and for those for whom it's not too late.....

a spectre is haunting communism
the spectre of anarchism
calling communism to explain the
continued reason for it's raison d'etre

a spectre is haunting communism
the spectre of syndicalism
challenging communism's understanding
of the importance of party

a spectre is haunting communism
the spectre of roving rebel bands
mao's view of the black blocs of his time
the examining lens of occupy 2011

a spectre is haunting communism
the spectre of denial that there's
a capitalism and it's state and how
heroic acts of individualism
and the self- pulling out of our hair
in want of understanding when we
find out that our old lenses are
not up to usage  we wanted these
kids  we forgot that they'd bring
with them the socialism as well as
the baggage of their upbringing.

a spectre is haunting communism
the arrival of the new communism
awaiting the shaping both by the
young who shape the clay  and by
those of us who know at what
temperature to heat the kiln

berkeley ca, november 2011

gary hicks

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  • I am creating a photo essay of bay area poets and writers and I was referred to you by rusty rebar. the parameter of the project is that photos need to be shot in your living space. there is practically no writing in the collection. it is, afterall, a book of photography. you can see my work and the collection so far at the following:




    Posted by bob fischer, 07/22/2013 11:55am (12 years ago)

  • Gary,
    The windmill has stopped running; you've won.
    Let's have tea in or near the square when I'm there.


    Posted by Charlie Steptoe, 03/12/2012 6:03pm (13 years ago)


    for blindpig

    answer your questions
    by bringing all that you know
    to the fight at hand

    all the new issues
    will pose all new questions
    to add to the old

    we're on the rough road
    building movements that will fight
    until victory

    leninism lives
    but only as far as we
    cease to genuflect

    marxism lives too
    but please remember lenin
    was his disciple

    gary hicks

    Posted by gary hicks, 03/01/2012 10:00pm (13 years ago)

  • I like it; no, more than that, I understand it.

    Posted by Eleanor Walden, 03/01/2012 4:25pm (13 years ago)

  • What is this 'new communism', Gary?

    Is it communism without Lenin?

    Without commitment?

    Without class struggle?

    Is it communism which disavows revolution?

    Communism which asks instead of demanding?

    Communism which is identical to the useless social democrats?

    How does that help anyone except the oppressors?

    The Occupiers are in desperate need of class consciousness, where is the revolution party?

    Sure hope this 'new communism' is the old communism of Lenin

    Posted by blindpig, 02/27/2012 3:30pm (13 years ago)

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