Articles > April
Raul Castro Takes the Reins in Cuba
HAVANA TIMES, April 28 — To explain what's happening in Cuba has always been complex, but with Raul Castro in the presidency, it's becomes even more difficult.

What Happens If Congress Fails to Raise the Debt Ceiling?
According to the Washington Post, the White House is warning that catastrophe will strike if Congress fails to raise the limit on the national debt: The Government has too little cash to pay creditors, thus the U.S. government would default.
Seven Students Arrested at Emory during Tent City Stand-off
Orignal source: The Atlanta Progressive News(APN) DEKALB COUNTY -- Seven students were arrested during a stand-off with the Emory University administration tonight, Monday, April 25, 2011, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.Last week, APN reported that 150 students protested at Emory regarding its contract with Sodexo to operate its cafeterias. During that protest, two dozen students occupied the Administration Building, but they left the building after being threatened with arrest and after being promised a meeting with the University's President.That meeting, which took place the following day at 5pm, was not fruitful, Alex Zavell, 20, an Emory sophomore majoring in Political Science, told APN in an interview.
Berlin’s Easter Parade vs. War and Bad Atoms
The Easter holiday in Germany lasts from Good Friday to Easter Monday, four days.
Stand Up For Workers' Rights, Jobs and Peace
Stand Up For Workers' Rights, Jobs and PeaceThe following is an excerpted version of the keynote address to the first annual conference of the Communist Party USA in New York City, April 16-17.

Obama’s Budget and Deficit Plan – and Our Decision Time
The president’s speech, April 13th, on his deficit plan relieved many who had not yet recovered from the ugly compromises Democrats were compelled to make to avoid a government shutdown.
This Tax Day, Make THEM Pay
This Tax Day, Make THEM Pay ...a letter about April 18th from Michael Moore
Mr. Serious: The Ryan budget plan and the Beltway media
The budget proposal released last week by Rep. Paul Ryan (R.-Wisc.) includes tax cuts for the wealthy, tax hikes for the middle class, drastic cuts in spending and a radical restructuring of Medicare that would shift most of the cost of healthcare to seniors.
The People of Venezuela and the U.S. Celebrate the Retaking of Democracy
The People of Venezuela and the U.S. Celebrate the Retaking of DemocracyOn the nine-year anniversary of the retaking of democracy in Venezuela, U.S. voices send messages of support to the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian Revolution.On April 13, 2002, the pressure and protests of the majority of the Venezuelan people returned President Hugo Chávez to office, bringing to an end a 48-hour coup launched by sectors of the Venezuelan political opposition, including its allies in the private media and in the international community.The coup, which began on April 11 and was supported by the administration of President George W. Bush, left 19 people dead and shattered Venezuela’s democratic institutions.