Editors' Blog

America’s Hope Against Hope

NEW YORK – After a hard-fought election campaign, costing well in excess of $2 billion, it seems to many observers that not much has changed in American politics: Barack Obama is still President, the Republicans still control the House of Representatives, and the Democrats still have a majority in the Senate.

Bloice's Quote of the Day -- Nation Editorial

Quote of the DayOctober 8, 2012'To win the 2012 elections, progressives mustimmediately wage court fights, organize electionmonitoring and, above all, get every eligible voterregistered and to the polls.

Impact of the 2012 election outcome and conduct on the main challenges facing working people

The Socialist Education Project (SEP) of the CCDS (Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism) is initiating a series of discussions on the theme:

We're All in the Same Boat? On the Topic of Obama, the GOP Can't Even Blush Anymore

If Hollywood gave Oscars for shamelessness, the Republican responses to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night, Jan 24, would have swept the field.