Editors' Blog
The Inverted World of Niall Ferguson: On the Real Obama Doctrine by Thomas Riggins
Niall Ferguson teaches history at Harvard.
Kissinger and Shultz on "The Iran Deal" by Thomas Riggins
For our edification The Wall Street Journal on 8 April turned over an entire editorial page to former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and George Shultz so that we could understand why President Obama's negotiations with Iran over nuclear issues "will reinforce, not resolve, the world's challenges in the region." Let's take...
Niall Ferguson on Kissinger's "World Order" [Part Five & last] by Thomas Riggins
We conclude with Ferguson’s opinions considering Kissinger’s views on what the real lessons are concerning world order that we have learned from the practice of American foreign policy since 1945.
Niall Ferguson on Kissinger's "World Order" [Part Four] by Thomas Riggins
Ferguson now criticizes the ideas expressed by Obama in his New Yorker interview.
Niall Ferguson on Kissinger's World Order [Part Three] by Thomas Riggins
Niall Ferguson on Kissinger's World Order [Part Three]
Niall Ferguson on Kissinger's World Order [Part Two] by Thomas Riggins
‘Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
Niall Ferguson on Kissinger's World Order [Part One] by Thomas Riggins
A good book review both gives the gist of the book and allows you to decide if the book is worth reading or not.