Editors' Blog

Cuba looking for a "reset" with the U.S.?

After Fidel Castro stirred up some controversy last week with an offhand comment he made to The Atlantic journalist Jeffrey Coldberg about ineffectiveness of Cuba's socialist "model," Goldberg thinks the former Cuban president may have sought to alleviate some controversy within Cuba's leading institutions by "walking back" his comment.

The importance of the Steelworkers' recent steps

The United Steelworkers this week filed a petition with the US Trade Representative "identifying a broad array of Chinese policies and practices that threaten the future of America’s alternative and renewable energy sector." According to a USW statement:

Fidel: "The Cuban model doesn't work for us anymore"

Inspired by a new article at People's World on Fidel Castro's first major public appearance in about four years, I am now catching up on my reading of Jeffrey Goldberg's recent trip to Cuba where he met with former President Fidel Castro over a three day period.

White House calls for end to tax loopholes for Big Oil to pay for new infrastructure projects

In a teleconference with reporters following President Obama's economic policy speech in Cleveland, Ohio today (Sept.

Don't be fooled: Republicans pose direct threat to Social Security

Corporations and billionaires who control a network of right-wing, Republican Party think tanks and Tea Party organizations are demanding more tax breaks for themselves, blocking climate change legislation, and are pushing to destroy Social Security.

Who's responsible for the slow recovery?

FreeStateDem over at DailyKos posted this interesting item on the recovery act with some great links today that is worth a read.

Don't give Republicans the chance to go after Social Security

Republican congressional candidates are itching to pull the trigger on Social Security should they gain power, a fact that makes our participation in these elections as important as ever.

Keep public workers on the payroll and save the economy

The unemployment rate inched up .10 percentage points to 9.6% in August, according to the latest DOL data out today.

Show me a fight

Reporting for the People's World, Political Affairs editorial board member Tony Pecinovsky writes on the Missouri state AFL-CIO convention in St. Louis recently.

Is manufacturing recovering? Does it matter?

At its website, the steelworkers' union (USW) recently touted significant, if mostly ignored, changes in the direction of the U.S. economy.

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