Editors' Blog

Working Class LGBT people isolated from wider LGBT movement.

In this day and age being gay is a whole lot easier than it was say thirty to fifty years ago.

LGBT Activists Glitter Bachmann to Protest Anti-Gay Rhetoric (with video)

Confront Bachmann With Connection to "You Can Run, But You Cannot Hide" Ministry

UN Human Rights Council on LGBT Rights

This statement was put out by the U.S Department of State yesterday June 17, 2011:

New York poised to pass marriage equality

This note from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force:

Largest LGBT Civil Rights Group Endorses Obama for Pres.

Human Rights Campaign Endorses President Barack Obama for Reelection

Nevada passes anti-discrimination bill

The movement for passage of anti-discrimination laws is spreading.

It gets better?

A new report from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force reveals the following important data about the experiences of transgender people in the U.S.:

The role of hate in the 2010 elections

Republicans put hate at the center of their campaign.

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