Editors' Blog
Fertility, Women, and the Rise of Modern Capitalism: Review by Thomas Riggins
Women, Fertility, and the Rise of Modern Capitalism: Review
Marxism is Real Naturalism by Thomas Riggins
Sartre once remarked that the attempt to construct a philosophy that goes beyond Marxism simply recreates a pre-Marxist view that is no longer relevant to current understanding.
Marx and the Muslim Brothers by Thomas Riggins
How should one respond to the claim, made by Sheri Berman a political science professor at Barnard College, that Islamists such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt are "Marx's contemporary successors"? [Oped- New York Times 8-10-13: "Marx's Lesson for the Muslim Brothers"]
Marxism, the Taliban and Plato by Thomas Riggins
Recently Simon Blackburn, the well known British philosopher, reviewed "Knowing Right from Wrong," the new book by Kieran Setiya, in the TLS ["Taliban and Plato" TLS July 19, 2013].
For Whom the Cock Crows by Thomas Riggins
Thomas Riggins
Lenin on "Left-Wing" Communism in Great Britain by Thomas Riggins
There was no Communist Party in Great Britain when Lenin wrote "Left-Wing" Communism an Infantile Disorder [LWC] (the Communist Party of Great Britain was founded a few months later at the end of July 1920).
The Russian Revolution Today?
In 1920 Lenin expressed his views on the international significance of the Russian Revolution [Chapter 1 of "Left Wing" Communism an Infantile Disorder].