Editors' Blog
Broadly Speaking: Responses to the SOTU
After the State of the Union, Time to Get to Workby Benjamin Todd Jealous, NAACP
State of the Union and the Right-wing Danger
I haven't written for the blog lately because I have been overwhelmed with work – teaching Winter session courses, doing union work here at Rutgers, etc. But I thought I would respond to some developments as President Obama prepares for his State of Union address, which the press is calling...
Accomplishments in this session of Congress on education-related front
Just got this pretty signfiicant list of education-related legislative accomplishments in the first two years of the Obama adminsitration in an e-mail from the National Education Association:
Thoughts On Left Criticism of Obama
Thoughts on Left criticism of Obama: The Left press and blogosphere is rife with analyses on the mistakes of the Obama administration that allegedly 'caused' the Republican resurgence in the mid-term elections.
Reflections on "Obama's Economic View Is Rejected on World Stage" NYT headline
1. Interesting headline: Instead of "US Economic View" etc, the Times has personalized it to seem as if it is the president's personal view.
Video: Pres. Obama rejects extension of Bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires
Just in case you missed it, he said:
Irony and Hate Mail From Your Local Tea Party
In response to a recent blog post here (The Role of Hate in the 2010 Elections), here at PA we've gotten an interesting batch of what can only be described as hate mail – from both left and right.
Stop the Republican Corporate Coup!
Latest podcast is up.
Video: Importance of Wall Street reforms
Republicans will fight to repeal major reforms that have changed how Wall Street works, increases protections form health insurance companies, and improves the lives of working families.