Editors' Blog
Lincoln and Obama
At the beginning of the Civil War, the Confederates were winning, too. Lincoln was at great risk of not being re-elected.
5 Myths About Environmental Regulation
Conservatives and some pro-business groups (usually major multinationals who also happen to be big polluters) argue that some of the following things will happen if the government steps up its legally-mandated role to regulate environmental pollution, for instance carbon emissions that cause global warming.
Wikileaks bombshell about Iraq wars I and II
Here is a summary from Veterans for Common Sense:
Global warming produces cold weather extremes
Right-wing thick heads like to joke that global warming is good because it makes the weather nicer.
Republican alternative on climate legislation #fail
From Sierra Club:For Immediate ReleaseJune 9, 2010
War makes you poor
Take Actionfrom Friends Committee on National Legislationhttp://capwiz.com/fconl/issues/alert/?alertid=15073751
International Issues & U.S. Foreign Policy
Reposted from the CPUSA convention discussion site