Editors' Blog
Jared Bernstein -- Bloice's Quote of the Day -- Nov 22, 2011
Quote of the Day November 21, 2011
S&P "Bond Vigilantes" Downgrade US Credit – Is it time to Arrest the Vigilantes?
S&P "Bond Vigilantes" Downgrade US Credit – Is it time to Arrest the Vigilantes?John CaseStandard and Poors is one of the major private investment rating agencies in the world.
Bernie Sanders is right
The passage of the "Debt Ceiling Bill" marks a dangerous moment for the workers movement in this country. As Vermont's Independent Senator, Bernie Sanders, has so clearly pointed out this "Debt Ceiling Compromise" is in fact, a sweeping victory for the wealthy, the largest Corporations and Banks and the ultra-right.
Some Historical Background and Suggestions on the "Debt Ceiling" Question
Progressives are rightfully condemning the dirty debt deal and rightfully so.The CPUSA has made its position clear on what was a kind of double “hostage crisis,” that is, the Republican Right enforcing party discipline on the whole Republican party and then having the Democratic leadership and the Obama administration negotiate with them largely on their own terms, to the detriment of all except them.
Broadly speaking: More on the "Satan Sandwich"
Coalition on Human Needs Statement: the Budget Control ActWashington, DC: The Coalition on Human Needs released this statement by Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director:
Tea party took America hostage on debt ceiling
From the Communist Party:
[Update] Broadly Speaking: Standing up to Republican hostage taking
From Health Care for America Now!:
It's criminal
After winning control of the House, Republicans forced what has proven to be a disastrous change in conversation from job creation to deficits.And they have held the need to raise the debt ceiling hostage to push their hard right agenda.
Another persepctive on Gang of Six
From the Center for Budget Policy Priorities:
[Update] Broadly speaking: "Gang of Six" Plan slashes Social Security
So everybody loves the "gang of six" suddenly.