Editors' Blog

Highlights in U.S. History from A Marxist Perspective, Part 2, the Civil War as a Revolutionary War by Norman Markowitz

I am in the midst of teaching a four part  course through conference calls, Highlights in U.S. History from a Maxist Persepctive suggested by the education collective of the CPUSA.  So far, We have had two very interesting sessions on the American Revolution as a Revolutionary War and the Civil...

Marxism is Real Naturalism by Thomas Riggins

Sartre once remarked that the attempt to construct a philosophy that goes beyond Marxism simply recreates a pre-Marxist view that is no longer relevant to current understanding.

John Gray, David Hawkes and the Myth of Progress by Thomas Riggins

 John Gray is a British social philosopher who, in the words of David Hawkes, puts forward an "uncompromising challenge to the myth of progress." Hawkes (an English professor at Arizona State) has recently published an essay, "Backwards into the future" in the TLS (8-30-2013) which is a sympathetic presentation of...

Ten Reasons to Oppose the Obama Intervention in Syria by Norman Markowitz

In the 2008 election, I wrote an article  "10  things to consider in the voting booth" an appeal to support Barack Obama's election.  I would do that again and I would also, given the political realities that exist in the U.S. and have existed for a long time, once more...

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