Editors' Blog
A Tribute to Dashiell Hammett by Norman Markowitz
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A Belated Marxist IQ on the Assata Shakur Case by Norman Markowitz
Work has kept me from updating the Marxist IQ but this outrageous blast from the past deserves mention.
Soviet Jewish War Vets, posted by Thomas Riggins
some quick thoughts about the Boston Marathon Atrocity by Norman Markowitz
Here are a few quick thoughts about the Boston Marathon atrocity, which may hopefully help to explain at least the large context of events
The Back to the Future Life of Margaret Thatcher by Norman Markowitz
The Back to the Future Life of Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher R.I.P, from Thomas Riggins
This song has rocketed to #3 on the pop charts in the UK indicating that the Iron Lady may not have been first in the hearts of her countrymen (and women).