Editors' Blog
Steven Greenhouse -- Bloice's Quote of the Day
Quote of the DayOctober 27, 2012'Imagine getting a letter from the boss, telling youhow to vote.
Frank Bruni -- Bloice's Quote of the Day
October 26, 2012'At what point will Mitt Romney and his campaignstaff gently escort John Sununu away from thetelevision cameras, tuck him into a cozy roomsomewhere, make sure he has adequate provisionsand lock the door tight, so he can't get out untilNovember 7th?'They should have done this long ago, and if theyhad, they and we would have been spared theshallowness and insult of Sununu's remark thatskin color was the reason for Colin Powell'sendorsement yesterday morning of President Obamaover Mitt Romney.'... It's Sununu, not Obama, who has been on anapology tour.
a Proper title for this week's Marxist IQ by Norman Markowitz
Once more technology failed and the Marxist IQ posted around an hour ago failed to have the proper title
This week's Marxist IQ mixes theory and history
What is a class approach?
For our November-December issue, Political Affairs plans to devote its front page features to post-mortems on the 2012 elections.
Election 2012: Fog of right-wing lies is lifting
The most extreme voices in the Republican Party - who in fact control the GOP - have been quiet as church mice as Mitt Romney has migrated to more moderate positions on a range of issues in the closing weeks of his campaign for the presidency.
Davidson Instant Debate Analysis
My instant analysis: Obama over Romney, but Romney gets points, of a sort, by totally befuddling everyone by agreeing with Obama on things he denounced him for earlier.
New Yorker Editorial -- Bloice's Quote of the Day
Quote of the DayOctober 22, 2012'The choice is clear.
Nate Silver's poll analysis and the Gender Gap
Editor: Nate Silver is the most reliable poll analyst around, having developed a widely praised methodology for rating pollsters against the actual results of their predictions.