Editors' Blog

What is the role of Federal Reserve as creditor?

Evidently, the Federal Reserve holds the largest piece of the National Debt pie.

Back to the Future Capitalism

The budget deal that is being processed today has to be seen for what it is—a defeat for the working class of the U.S. and a victory for both monopoly capitalism and the forces of reaction.

The Reactionary Republican Menace, and Not Only to the Economy

As working people are mobilizing  through the country to save social security and medicare, the ultra-right Republicans continue their economic blitzkrieg against the President and the Senate.

A Fireside Chat on Jobs and Social Security As the Crisis Grows

Here in two sections is Franklin Roosevelt's "fireside chat" address to the American people on econmic and social legislation, anti-monopoly legislation and social security especially

Capitalism Gone Very Very Mad or My Gang of Six

I sometimes wrote pieces for PA online under the title "Capitalism Gone Mad," and I was thinking of doing another one recently.

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