Editors' Blog

Dubious study

In the past we've heard that something like 18% of carbon emissions in the U.S. come from cattle: transportation of meat and dairy products to marketplaces, production and transportation of feed, slaughter and meatpacking, etc.

Video: Importance of Wall Street reforms

Republicans will fight to repeal major reforms that have changed how Wall Street works, increases protections form health insurance companies, and improves the lives of working families.

12 days to go

If the grand alliance that elected Barack Obama comes out in full force to vote we can stop the Tea Party/Republican takeover, continue moving forward and push further for green jobs, union rights, health care and the safety net for the common good.

Check it out: Articles on the elections

The fight to stop a Republican/Tea Party takeover of Congress is hot, dirty and tough.

New interview coming soon!

Just interviewed Jamie Wilson author of Building a Healthy Black Harlem (Cambria Press).

Persistence of racial segregation in American cities

See this Flickr slideshow of how some of America's biggest cities still reflect the history fo racial segregation and apartheid in this country:

The International Crisis and the Elections

Workers in France are striking at fuel terminals and marching in the streets to fight against "pension reforms" that would increase the minimum retirement age from 60 t0 62 along with other blows directed against the working class.

What works and what doesn't

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control revealed that right-wing nonsense about absitnence-only sex education is exactly that – nonsense – remember Bristol Palin? Here's the skinny according to a statement by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America:

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