Hands off Social Security

Here's a statement from the AFL-CIO:

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Social Security
July 07, 2011

At a time when retirement security remains an elusive goal for most Americans, cuts to Social Security benefits – in whatever form they take – should not be on the table.    Furthermore, Social Security, our nation's most  effective anti-poverty program, has not contributed one dime to the deficit and should not be part of any deficit-related trade-offs.  The AFL-CIO continues to oppose any cuts in Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid benefits, including any cuts in cost of living adjustments. The best solution to our deficit problem is to create good jobs that will rebuild our economy.  That should be our first priority.

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  • As we read and write our government claims, with our president, Mr. Obama, "We have No Money in our coffers.
    Further, in so many words, "We reserve the right as 'responsible' public servants to hold or not pay the viable and healthy program's funds", capitulating to finance capitals's propaganda that the government is broke since it has to serve capital and only capital, forgetting those who work, create, and pay untold interest on capital and multiply capital: the workers.
    Indeed, the August 3rd payments are proposed to be held as ransom for deep and unlimited cuts in the program and cutting any planned raises in the program, effectively applying analogous torturous practices of Pelican Bay and Abu Ghraib to the better part of 100 million human souls, who, with their forebearers have paid for this social safety net in blood, this-if the endless greed of the finance capital billionaires is not met.
    The communists should support a massive street action to answer this wholesale extortion if threatened and continued- for Richard Trumka is exactly correct-Social Security has nothing to do with the finance capital induced deficits and robbed programs of "benign neglect" going all the way back to finance capital's arch criminal, Richard Milhouse Nixon.
    The seniors, the ill, the sacrificed, the disabled, the children will not suffer for this: we praying for oppressors and should be taking names.

    Posted by E.E.W. Clay, 07/12/2011 5:30pm (14 years ago)

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