6-27-06, 9:17 am
Summary of the Impeachment Resolution process
After the platform and the resolutions had been discussed and voted on, I asked to be recognized by the Chair, Jerry Meek. I had previously presented my resolution to the Vice-Chair, Delmas Parker, who is a friend of mine, so they had a copy of it at the podium. I presented this motion: 'I move to suspend the rules to consider a resolution from the floor asking the NC legislature to file impeachment articles against George Bush.' This was voted on, and needed a 2/3rd majority to pass, which it did. Then I read the full resolution:
Whereas Section 603 of section LIII of Jefferson’s Rules of the US House rules for the 109th Congress permits the inception of impeachment proceedings by charges transmitted from the legislature of a state; and
Whereas George W. Bush, President of the United States, has so conducted himself and his administration as to cause the people of the State of North Carolina to doubt his integrity and to believe that his official actions as president are subject to corrupt influences; and
Whereas the North Carolina Democratic Party has passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush; and
Whereas the North Carolina State Executive Committee also voted for the impeachment of George W. Bush, Richard Cheney and Alberto Gonzales in January 2006; therefore,
Be it resolved that this North Carolina Democratic Party convention asks our Representatives in the State of North Carolina (the senate concurring) to petition the US House of Representatives to start investigations of George W. Bush and his administration to the end that George W. Bush may be impeached and removed from office, and in doing so to follow the example set by California Assemblyman Paul Koretz in his submission of impeachment resolutions; and
Be it further resolved that the Secretary of State for North Carolina give, and is hereby instructed to certify, to each Senator and Representative in the Congress of the United States, under the great seal of the State of North Carolina, a copy of this resolution and the prior impeachment resolution, and notification of its adoption by the Democratic Party of the State of North Carolina at their convention in June 2006.
Following this, I had three minutes to speak on why I felt this resolution was important, which boils down to the fact that I believe George W. Bush has broken the law and defied our constitution. And I spoke to how the US Congress was not taking action, so it was up to the citizens to step up and do whatever they could do to stop George W. Bush. Then discussion was given to the floor, and the first person to speak was Eugene B. He said that it was politically incorrect (huh?) and felt it would hurt the Democrats politically and that we need to be doing, and focusing, on other things. He said that US Congressman Etheridge said we should not be pushing for impeachment. One thing he suggests that we do instead is to repeal Medicare Part D.
(Well, I don't see how asking for our NC Legislature action is going to keep any citizens or federal legislatures from doing anything else they may want to do. I guess it might impact the federal legislatures if it is actually passed by the NC House and Senate and articles of impeachment are filed. I also fail to see how we are going to repeal Medicare Part D is even possible with Bush in office, so impeaching him would be the first logical step here. As to “politically incorrect” – well, I don't know what to say to that nonsense.)
Others spoke to the resolution, all of them in favor except one or two. One man said we had already passed this resolution, and the next speaker said how this resolution was different from the prior impeachment resolution. Someone mentioned how our Constitution is just a piece of paper and we needed to protect it. Someone mentioned that several other states have passed a similar resolution at their Democratic Party conventions. A man named Mr. Brooks got up to speak and Mac, president of the Progressive Democrats of NC, said to me, 'is he speaking for or against the resolution?' and I said 'don't know'. Mr. Brooks is apparently well known in NC and he spoke for the resolution and said this was a good action to take at this time. The resolution was voted on and passed easily, but was not unanimous.
Next up: I have to write a short speech for the upcoming FCC meeting on Wednesday here in Asheville. And make sure the Secretary of State sends out certified copies of the resolution we passed to every member of the US House of Representatives and US Senate.