8-03-07, 9:18 am
The 8th National Congress of the Iraqi Communist Party took place in Baghdad during the period 10-13 May 2007, under the slogan “Let us consolidate the party ranks and work for uniting the people‘s patriotic forces, to achieve security and stability, restore full national sovereignty and build a unified democratic and federal Iraq”. Held in Baghdad, under the current exceptional conditions in our country, with intensified struggle over Iraq’s future, the Congress was a demonstration of the spirit of challenge that has characterized Iraqi communists and of their determination to continue the struggle.
All previous party congresses have been held on Iraqi territory, but the 8th Congress occupies a special place. It is the first hosted by the capital Baghdad since the 3rd Congress in 1976 and the bloody campaign that followed it to liquidate our party and to eliminate all remaining manifestations of freedom and impose a totalitarian dictatorship of chauvinist nature employing fascist methods. After 31 years of tenacious struggle, the party has returned to hold its congress in the heart of Iraq after rebuilding itself in the face of enormous challenges with its cells and organizations spreading throughout the country. The dictatorship, the enemy of the people, has, however, collapsed and met its fateful end.
The speech delivered by Comrade Hamid Majeed Mousa, the Secretary of the Party’s Central Committee, at the opening of the Congress expressed pride of the achievements made in the face of enormous challenges and difficulties. He said : “Thousands of cells, and hundreds of committees, and dozens of party headquarters and offices, exist across the length and breadth of the country. There is no region of Mesopotamia without the presence of the Iraqi Communist Party.' This has not been achieved without great sacrifices. The Congress recalled the dozens of party cadres and members who were martyred in the past four years. Most recently a delegate of the 8th Congress and secretary of the party committee for the province of Nineveh, comrade Muthanna Mohammed Latif (Abu Thabet), was the victim of a cowardly terrorist on the eve of International Workers Day last May.
The Congress was the culmination of a process that lasted eight months, beginning on 6th September 2006 when its draft documents were launched at a press conference held in Baghdad. This initiated an exercise of democracy unique in the Iraqi political scene. Tens of thousands of people were involved in this process, writing in the pages of the party central organ “Tareeq Al-Shaab” (People’s Path), taking part in public meetings and specialized seminars, scrutinizing and amending, driven by the desire to ensure that the programmatic documents of the Communist Party fully reflect the opinions of its members and the wider aspirations of the Iraqi people..
Democracy and Renewal
Preparations for the Congress were therefore not confined to Iraqi communists. Efforts were exerted, based on an understanding of the importance of consolidating the policy of 'Democracy and Renewal”, launched by the party’s 5th National Conference in 1993, to make it a national event dear to the heart of anyone concerned for the cause of the Iraqi people and the rebuilding of their homeland on the foundations of freedom, democracy, social justice and human rights. Conferences and enlarged meetings were held, with the participation of thousands of party members and cadres, to elect their representatives and Congress delegates. This process involved conducting elections in all party organizations, thus contributing to deepening democratic practice in its internal life. For the first time after long years of underground activity it was truly a rich and rewarding experience.
At the opening of the Congress delegates elected its commissions to administer four workshops to discuss the Political Report, the draft party Program and Inner Norms, and the Intellectual Document, in addition to other reports dealing with organizational work, administration and finance. Delegates were then involved over three days in discussions that were marked by a sense of responsibility and conducted in a transparent manner with free discussion and democratic debate.
The political process and its contradictions
During discussions by the delegates, special attention was given to the ongoing political process, its contradictions and prospects, and current party tasks. The Political Report that was endorsed by the Congress addressed the reasons for the complexity of the situation in Iraq, noting that the current special and difficult circumstances are a product of the interaction of a range of processes. These include those related to:
• the presence of foreign forces and the need to restore sovereignty and independence; • the elimination of remnants and social foundations of the dictatorship; • the reconstruction of state institutions in accordance with new balances differing from those that had existed since the foundation of the modern Iraqi state (particularly in the constitution of state structures and the distribution of powers in society); • the restructuring of the economic system and the ongoing battle over it, and particularly the fight against privatization and 'economic reform'.
All of these components interact to give the Iraqi situation a specific character requiring careful analysis and the avoidance of reductionist and simplistic formulas.
The Congress identified six factors as influencing developments in our country over the past four years:
1- Method of Change
War and foreign invasion was not the proper and effective way to depose the dictatorship. The war has had grave consequences for the situation in the country and people's lives and for building democracy and the country‘s reconstruction. Iraqi Communists were therefore correct when they stood against the war, while rejecting the dictatorship and striving to overthrow it. The slogan 'No to war...No to dictatorship' correctly summarized the position of the party. It considered that the right path leading to building a unified democratic federal Iraq was by toppling dictatorship through the unity of patriotic forces in a broad alliance, based on a clear program to mobilize the people, enjoying legitimate international support in accordance with the UN Charter.
From the moment the dictatorship ended, our Party has sought to unite our people’s forces and its patriotic energies to regain our sovereignty and the independence of our country, through an integrated range of measures and means of struggle. In the forefront was the call for a national conference giving rise to a national unity government. This was to provide leadership to remove the legacy of the past and re-build Iraq according to the interests of its people and on a democratic basis. But occupation based on UN Security Council Resolution No. 1483 (May 2003) and the formation of the occupation authority (CPA) prevented the Iraqis from running their own affairs in accordance with their national interests. That was the beginning - despite all political and legal changes – of a political process that has been responsible for thousands of crimes and errors which our people paid for with blood and material devastation that has not stopped till this day.
2- Adverse transformation of the internal situation
These dramatic transformations and difficult conditions provided the context for terrorism and sabotage. The activity of an alliance of Islamic extremists with remnants of the dictatorial regime, including criminal pro-Saddam Baathists, escalated to wreak havoc. Car bombs, assassinations and the sabotage of infrastructure has spread chaos and indiscriminately used brutal means without the slightest compunction. All this inflicted terrible devastation on the people. For quite some time, counter measures were not effective. As a result, it intensified and turned into a major threat not only to the security and stability of our homeland, but also to the security of the whole region and to world peace.
3- Legacy of the dictatorial regime
The material and spiritual destruction produced by decades of tyranny and dictatorship, criminal wars and the consequent international sanctions for more than ten years resulted in the decimation of the population and immense losses in economic, social and cultural life. In addition, the policies of the dictatorship and its parasitic strata distorted and crippled the social fabric, ethnic and national relations and moral values.
Our country, in its current reality and for long years to come, will pay a heavy price for those dreadful years. And their tragic repercussions will remain obstacles in the path of progress and stability of the country.
4- Illegitimate power struggle among the political forces
The change that took place, with the subsequent power vacuum and its repercussions, opened the door wide open for an uncontrolled struggle conducted with improper methods to gain dominance over key government centers and decision-making positions in the Iraqi state. The problem here is not free competition in a normal controlled manner using democratic means. The serious threat to the stability and security of the country arises from the exploitation of religion, stirring up sectarian and ethnic intolerance as tools in this struggle, the use of militias and armed groups as tools to resolve differences through violent means and the establishment of sectarian quotas as a means of dominating state institutions.
This uncontrolled struggle over political power has been exploited by external forces and foreign tools, and even by the forces of terrorism and sabotage, in order to achieve hidden agendas hostile to the interests of our people. It has heightened sectarian strife and provided the climate for ethnic and sectarian cleansing. These malign forces even aspire to push our homeland and people to the abyss of large-scale civil war.
5- Interference by neighboring countries and other regional states in Iraq’s affairs The violation of Iraq's territorial integrity, and attempts to influence the course of internal struggle, has been clearly manifest over the past four years. But what is more serious and more important is that some neighboring states sometimes facilitate and support, and at other times deliberately turn a blind eye to, the infiltration of foreign terrorist groups, and provide them with material support, logistically and morally. Some justify this with their desire to settle scores with the US administration which proclaims its wish to overthrow their regimes. But unfortunately these scores are settled on Iraqi soil and with the lives of Iraqis and at the expense of the country’s security and stability.
6- Political, administrative and financial corruption
Corruption plays a deeply damaging role in undermining Iraq’s security and stability through the loss of resources, the loss of confidence and the erosion of social values. It exists in an objective alliance with terrorism and sabotage, the growth of organized crime syndicates, drug trafficking, smuggling, and obstructing the establishment of a state based on institutions and the rule of law.
Neglecting any of the factors above, and underestimating their impact, or giving prominence to one at the expense of other factors and their interaction, will only give a one-sided picture and a selective approach.
The Congress pointed out that the complex and difficult situation in our country should not obscure the big realities which reflect the powerful will of our people to overcome decades of darkness and dictatorship, and their determination to express their passionate desire to build a free, democratic, federal and independent Iraq. This was clearly manifested when, despite the obstacles and intimidation, millions of Iraqis went to the polls to elect their representatives as well as taking part in a public referendum on the constitution. Despite the scale of terrorism and its horrendous crimes, they have continued the struggle to construct a secure, stable Iraq capable of rebuilding itself on the basis of the independent national will of its citizens.
Rebuilding the Party
The Congress delegates discussed the achievements of the party organizations during the past four years after being rebuilt across the whole of Iraq. They were in engaged in organizing and participating in hundreds of mass activities in defence of citizens’ rights and expressing their interests and aspirations. They sought to spread progressive and humanitarian ideology, introducing the values and ideals of socialism, and an assessment of its various historical experiences. They contributed actively in the political life of the country in all its diversity and colours to promote democracy and consolidate its concepts. They participated in the election campaigns for the National Assembly, the Parliament and in the constitutional referendum, thus gaining experience in open work, proper practice in democratic elections, defending the values of freedom, independence, and rejection of the occupation, confronting the quota system and hated sectarian practices, terrorism and sabotage gangs, and in organizing political life and the demands of the masses in unions, associations and other civil society organizations. They have also contributed to whatever that helps the country to rebuild itself economically by advancing their views, opinions and proposals, or by participating in various state institutions and provincial and municipal councils, or through the party media and various media forums.

Intensified Struggle over the form and content of State
The Political Report endorsed by the Congress pointed out, in the light of its analysis of the political process and its contradictions “that with the continuing process of the formation of the new Iraqi state, an intensified struggle is taking place over its form and content, and over the nature and characteristics of the alternative political and social system. Engaged in this struggle are forces and parties that have conflicting political programs and visions. What makes this struggle more difficult is that it is going on against the background of the heavy legacy of the dictatorship, as well as the contradictions arising from the adoption of war as a means of achieving change in the country, which led to occupation and the legacy associated to it. This has turned Iraq, as a result of the policy of the US, to the main front for its war against 'international terrorism,' and into an arena to settle scores and implement its strategic project in the region.'
Interconnection of National and Democratic Struggle
'The struggle to end the foreign military presence has become closely interconnected with the struggle for the unified federal democratic Iraq, and also entangled with the external factor, through injecting non-Iraqi terrorist forces whose agendas and objectives in Iraq have nothing to do with Iraq and the interests of its people. All this gave the political scene and the struggles affecting it a specific character and a 'uniqueness' that neither Iraq nor the countries of the region, and others of a similar level of development, have known before. '
The Congress renewed the party’s commitment to the political process and to reforming this process in achieving its goals. This is based on the party‘s 'recognition of the importance of achieving the desired end (of the political process) in the establishment of a federal democratic system and building a state based on institutions and law. This can only be achieved by providing the conditions for the normalization of the situation and the success of the national reconciliation plan, restoring security and stability, launching the process of reconstruction, and regaining full national sovereignty and ending the presence of foreign forces.'
Ending the Occupation and Restoration of National Sovereignty
The Congress stressed that 'resisting the occupation is a right guaranteed by the Charter of the United Nations. It is a right for the Iraqi people who fell under the occupation authority as stipulated in Security Council Resolution No. 1483. They have the right to resort to various forms of struggle to end the occupation and restore national sovereignty. But resistance to occupation does not mean adopting violent methods alone. It also includes various forms of peaceful political struggle. Experience teaches us that peoples only resort to armed struggle when forced to do so after exhausting peaceful means.'
The Political Report of the Congress pointed out that 'the Iraqi national forces of all affiliations, including our party, agree that violent methods are not the most appropriate and effective in the present condition of our country, and as long as peaceful means have not been exhausted. As a matter of fact, armed operations in the current conditions, with interacting factors, can be detrimental to the desired objective: getting rid of the occupation as soon as possible. They provide justification for the occupying forces to prolong their presence in our country, perpetuate the climate of tension, anxiety and fear among the people, and harm the efforts to create the conditions and prerequisites for ending the occupation, including the setting of a timetable for the evacuation of occupation troops.'
The report said that 'it is not surprising that the violations committed by the occupation forces, and their excessive use of force, provoke violent reactions that take the form of armed operations. While this should provide the basis for distinguishing between groups and forces that conduct armed operations, it should be at the same time recognized that counter-violence and coercive methods alone cannot eliminate armed action. The way to address this should be through a comprehensive approach that ultimately leads to creating the prerequisites for ending the foreign military presence and restoring full sovereignty. This is totally incompatible with the terrorist acts and sabotage involving innocent citizens, enterprises, institutions, economic facilities and services, as well as Iraqi military and security institutions.'
Furthermore, the Congress emphasized 'the importance of the success of the political process and achieving its objectives, as this will contribute to creating the conditions and prerequisites for ending the occupation and the presence of foreign forces.' The Congress also called upon the government 'to set a timetable for accomplishing this task,' and to 'exercise its sovereign right, prevent further excesses and violations by these forces, and to strive to regain full control over the country's resources and manage their use in accordance with the country's needs and priorities, leading to the full restoration of national sovereignty.'
The Congress also considered that 'one of the most important prerequisites for restoring national sovereignty is to seize control of security matters and manage them according to the priorities dictated by national interest. Security must be dealt with as an integral part of a series of economic, social, political, military and media issues, that collectively contribute to eradicating the sources of terrorism and gradually curtail the forces on which it relies, and create conditions to improve the overall situation, so as to have a positive impact on the security situation itself. There is no doubt that progress on these fronts will allow clear agenda to be determined for the departure of foreign forces, and create the material and political prerequisites for that.'
Prospects of the situation ... and International Solidarity
The Congress concluded in its Political Report that “the situation in our country is fluid, and is open to many possibilities. Much remains dependent on the ability of political parties and blocs, and the masses of Iraqis generally, to close their ranks and act wisely to restore national cohesion, to take steps that would create an atmosphere of confidence and reach a conviction that pushing things to the point of no return is playing with fire that will spare nobody. In addition, prospects of the situation are tied to the creation of positive conditions on Arab, regional and international levels that are appropriate to contain terrorism, achieve stability and ensure success for the national reconciliation project.”
The report added: 'Our country has turned into an arena of a vicious struggle, where regional and international interests and strategies intersect and clash, interacting with the internal situation, and acting against the interests of Iraqi people and their aspiration to restore security and stability, regain sovereignty over their territory and wealth, achieve the democratic alternative and speed up the process of comprehensive reconstruction.”
“In this transitional stage, as contradictions and struggle intensify over the future course of development, it is essential, more than ever before, to secure the all-round international solidarity of peace-loving, progressive, democratic, socialist and communist forces with the Iraqi patriotic and democratic forces, in their struggle to foil attempts to sabotage the political process and push the country into chaos and internal fighting, and to enable the Iraqi people to achieve a speedy end to foreign military presence, open up prospects of democratic development for Iraq, and enable its people to decide their political future and social system in accordance with their free will. The future of Iraq, as well as the region generally, depends to a large extent on the outcome of the ongoing political process in our country. And on this path, Iraqi communists will continue their relentless struggle, motivated by the conviction of the triumph of the noble cause for which they made great sacrifices; the cause of building a unified federal democratic Iraq, free of all forms of domination, oppression and violence, marching ahead on the path of comprehensive development and progress.'
Developments in the Arab and International Situation
The Political Report adopted by the Congress included a paragraph about the developments in the Arab situation, that dealt with the 'Greater Middle East' project and the policy of the US administration in the region, as well as developments in the Palestinian issue, the Israeli aggression on Lebanon, the events in Sudan, the changes in a number of Arab countries, the issues of democracy, human rights and social justice, and the state of affairs on the economic front.
On the international level, the report highlighted the most important features of the new 'world order' that emerged after the collapse of bipolarity and its repercussions, the subjugation of this order to a new balance of forces based on unipolarity (with the US as the world‘s only superpower), and the phenomenon of globalization with its various dimensions. The report also dealt with some of the features of the new strategy of the United States after September 11th, and some features of the transformations in the world economy.
The Report pointed to the links between these transformations and the collapse of 'socialist' systems in the Soviet Union and some European countries. This was dealt with in detail in an ideological document entitled 'Our Socialist Option: Lessons from some Socialist Experiences'. In addition, the party’s programme, taking into account the objective reality in our country, its current stage of development and prospects, also emphasized its socialist option for building the society in the future, based on the recognition by the party that capitalist development will not solve the comprehensive structural crisis experienced by our country for many decades, because this pattern of development is full of political and class contradictions, conflicts and polarization.
The Congress decided to put the ideological document to public debate, and to publish it in the form of a pamphlet to facilitate its distribution and dissemination among broad sections of society. Efforts on the ideological level will be continued, meanwhile, in order to achieve a more comprehensive and deeper study of the socialist experience from a Marxist perspective.
The section dealing with the international situation also pointed to the victories achieved by the forces of the left in Latin America, and their implications, and to the phenomenon of globalization and its manifestations. It concluded that 'if the fall of the socialist camp had initially caused a retreat for the forces of the Left and social progress, the subsequent developments have shown that humanity has regained its balance and regained self-confidence, and began to formulate new forms, previously untapped, to escalate of social-class struggle for justice and freedom.'
National Democratic Project ... and Current Tasks
Regarding the developments in the next stage, which is open to many possibilities, the 8th National Congress stressed that the party and its comrades need 'to confront the historic juncture which our country is going through as a unifying national force, always expressing the higher national interests, and the people’s conscience, and embodying, in policy and practice, national unity. It will thus turn into the driving force of the broadest patriotic movement, and at the same time act as the lever for the broadest democratic movement, building the foundations of a modern democratic Iraqi state that is based on citizenship rights and social justice, fighting to end the legacy of occupation and foreign domination and to restore sovereignty and independence, and rejecting all forms of tyranny. '
The Congress also emphasized that 'the alternative to all that our country is now witnessing, including crises and predicaments, is the National Democratic Project which the party shall formulate and submit as a basis for bringing together and unifying the Iraqi patriotic forces.' In this context, the Congress identified the following major tasks that the party is facing:
- Paying proper attention to the party and its organizations, enhancing its political, ideological and intellectual influence, and its organization both qualitatively and quantitatively…and to develop its links with the people, take up their demands and defend their interests.
- Upgrading the party activity at the intellectual, cultural and media levels, and to work actively with broad sections of enlightened and progressive people, to raise social awareness, to promote and consolidate the values and concepts of rationality and democracy, and those calling for the respect of human rights and civil liberties, and to struggle for their adoption in state-building and the exercise of power.
- Ensuring security and stability and the return of normalcy in the country, and defeating terrorism and terrorists, including Islamic extremists, criminals and murderers, and the remnants of the dictatorial regime. And to work a significant shift in addressing the security issue, and stress the importance of rebuilding the security and military organs as Iraqi national institutions and away from sectarian and nationalistic quotas.
- Continuing the efforts with all official, political and popular bodies and institutions to ensure success for the national reconciliation plan, as it is the guarantee for calming the situation and restoring security and stability, thus ensuring appropriate conditions for moving forward on the path of building a unified federal democratic Iraq.
- To work for mobilizing the people and their patriotic forces to restore independence and sovereignty, end the legacy of occupation and foreign military presence, and build a unified democratic and federal Iraq.
- To work, along with other patriotic forces, to build a state of institutions and law, support an independent judiciary, forbid the violation of law, and activate the role of legislative and monitoring institutions, especially the parliament, provincial councils, municipalities and civil society institutions, and to emphasis respect for human rights.
- To support and encourage the pursuit of an active foreign policy, that is independent and productive of the best good-neighborly relations, based on mutual respect and ensuring common interests and non-interference in internal affairs. And to ensure effective Arab, regional and international support for our people in their quest to build a unified federal democratic Iraq, to combat terrorism, rebuild the national economy and to enable Iraq to return to resume its natural role in the international family.
- To seek, by all peaceful and constitutional means, to confront attempts to curtail public freedoms, distort democratic practice and prevent people from enjoying their constitutionally guaranteed rights, under flimsy pretexts that seek to structure society in a specific pattern against the will of the people and their wishes and aspirations.
- To support the government in its policy of ending and eradicating the militias, because they pose a serious threat and endeavor to replace the state and its institutions. It is no longer acceptable, under any pretext, to justify the existence of arms in the hands of anyone except the state.
- To continue the effort, at all levels, to confront sectarianism, expose the objectives of those behind agitating it, draw attention to the dangers of sectarian polarization and violence and its escalation. To seek to renounce the political use of religion and its exploitation for narrow and factional purposes and interests, and to keep it away from political competition and struggle. To stand against all forms of national, religious, confessional, tribal and regional intolerance, and to stress the spirit of citizenship and national identity.
- To support and develop struggles aimed at providing basic services to citizens, especially electricity, oil products, water, transport, health and education services, and continuing the provision of basic services free of charge to citizens, and subsidies for oil products.
- To support the struggles of the unemployed for the right to work, and for a social security fund and insurance against unemployment. To commit the government to a concrete plan for combating unemployment, taking into consideration that it is a multi-sided problem with economic-social- political dimensions. - To call on the government to reconsider the scale of salaries and wages so as achieve justice, equality, and to raise the minimum wage in the face of rising prices and inflation.
- To continue the struggle and mobilize forces to confront attempts to adopt unrestrained market mechanisms, squander the public sector and undermine the national productive activities. To work to halt the privatization processes in the current conditions, to struggle against the recipes prescribed by the IMF and World Bank for restructuring the Iraqi economy, and to raise awareness of their real dangers
- To struggle against all forms of corruption, to develop laws and regulations to ensure no impunity in economic crimes, and to recover people's money that had been looted and their stolen property.
- To seek to commit the government to continue to provide citizens with food rations and to improve their content and quality, and resist any attempt to abolish or replace them with cash handouts, or to gradually reduce them, while stressing the need to raise the amount allocated to it in the 2007 budget.
- To strengthen the party’s relations with other political parties and forces, to develop joint action, especially with the democratic forces, and to strengthen cooperation and coordination with the forces that are in agreement with our party or close to it in political orientation, through setting joint and concrete programs. It is essential in this process to consolidate democratic traditions in the relations with the other forces, through adopting the principles of dialogue, respect for the other opinion, the renunciation of violence, and tolerance. There is also a pressing need to develop the relationship the forces of the democratic trend in its broad sense, in the context of striving to achieve our national democratic option.
- To actively strive to mobilize broad sections of the intelligentsia and those concerned with civil society, to build the broadest possible relations with the masses, mobilizing them politically and ideologically, to confront the developments and their quickening pace
- To give the necessary attention to the issue of solidarity at the international level, to develop relations with the progressive, Left socialist and communist forces, and to utilize this especially for supporting our people’s efforts to restore the sovereignty and independence, end the legacy of occupation and foreign military presence, and lay the foundations for a democratic federal system in our country.
Our Party has expressed its determination, in the deliberations and outcome of its 8th National Congress, to strengthen its links to the broadest popular masses, to work with all its strength to consolidate its organizations, expand their ranks, provide them with more experience of young people and women, including workers, peasants, students and intellectuals, and all popular strata that aspire for freedom and democracy. The party is also determined to strengthen its ties with the popular masses, taking up their demands, and defending their historic role in political life and in deciding the country’s destiny. The party expressed its unlimited confidence in our Iraqi people and their ability to continue their march, despite all difficulties and obstacles, to defeat terrorism and sectarianism, eliminate the legacy of dictatorship and occupation, restore full national sovereignty, lay the foundations for a state based on institutions, justice an law, and build a unified federal democratic Iraq.
In expressing our deep gratitude and appreciation for the messages of greeting received by the 8th National Congress from many communist and workers parties around the world, and the genuine sentiments of internationalist solidarity that they conveyed, our party looks forward to further effective support and solidarity with its difficult and multifaceted struggle from fraternal communist parties and all peace-loving, progressive and democratic forces and movements in the world. For its part, our party will seek to strengthen the ties and relations with these parties and forces in the joint struggle for freedom, democracy and social progress, and in upholding the values of socialism and communism.
The Central Committee Iraqi Communist Party Baghdad, 25-7-2007 Letter to Fraternal Parties and Friendly Organizations and Personalities about the 8th National Congress of the Iraqi Communist Party
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