Articles > July
India: More Evidence of Jobless Growth
Original source: People's Democracy
Coalition Demands GOP Compromise on Debt Talks
Call on Republicans to Compromise and Not Wreck our Economy to Protect Tax Breaks for Millionaires, Private Jet Owners and Corporations (Washington, DC) - Like a broken record Republicans in the House and Senate are willing to wreck our economy by refusing to compromise and insisting on their radical plan to balance the budget on the backs of seniors and the middle class by slashing Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while giving tax breaks to millionaires, hedge fund managers and big corporations.

Obama Admin. Boosts Fuel Economy Standard
The average car fuel economy will nearly double by 2025 to almost 55 miles per gallon, President Obama announced July 29 in a White House gathering that included both auto company executives and UAW representatives.The President said that higher fuel efficiency standards is part of his energy policy which aims to decrease dependence on oil, to help Americans save money on gas, and to reduce pollution caused by auto emissions.The rise in fuel efficiency standards will mean big savings at the pump, the President said.
Report: Racial Wealth Gap at Record Levels
The Pew Research Center has just released stunning statistics on the aggravation of inequality by race, ethnicity, class and gender since the onset of this depression.
China Approves Plan for Energy "Golden Zone"
The central government has approved plans for an energy industry “golden zone” linking Shaanxi province and the autonomous regions of Ningxia Hui and Inner Mongolia in northwestern China, said an autonomous region official on Wednesday.

Debt Ceiling Showdown: Time to Look Deeper?
The latest news has muted, but falling, markets in the wake of Republican Speaker John Boehner walking out of debt-ceiling negotiations with the President.
Brinksmanship and the Dollar
Besides the fact that he may be offering a security-blanket to the psyches of his fellow citizens and at the same time pumping up public confidence in order to strengthen the dollar, Wall Street Journal analyst David Wessel is not far off track when he refuses to predict the imminent fall of the “greenback,” this because the impression that the U.S. is in decline has not become sufficiently widespread.
Choice in All Things: Consumer Financial Protection as the “Plain Vanilla Approach"
“[T]here's a view that says protect consumers by limiting the choices they have.
The "Three Great Achievements"
Original source: China DailyOur “three great achievements” over the past 90 years are that “we have embarked on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and established a socialist system with Chinese characteristics”.