Articles > July
India: More Evidence of Jobless Growth
Original source: People's Democracy
China Approves Plan for Energy "Golden Zone"
The central government has approved plans for an energy industry “golden zone” linking Shaanxi province and the autonomous regions of Ningxia Hui and Inner Mongolia in northwestern China, said an autonomous region official on Wednesday.
Norway Attacks: Christian Jihadi Strikes Terror and Shoots Down Multiculturalism
The horrific slaughter of 76 people by the Christian Jihadi Anders Behring Breivik has surely closed the door on Europe’s multiculturalism experiment. Media reports indicated that Breivik was opposed to multiculturalism and Islam.
Truth Held Hostage
Original source:

Ground Your Warplanes, Save the Horn of Africa
“When you are hungry, cold is a killer, and the people here are starving and helpless.” Not many of us can relate to such a statement, but millions of ‘starving and helpless’ people throughout the Horn of Africa know fully the pain of elderly Somali mother, Batula Moalim.Moalim, quoted by the British Telegraph, was not posing as spokesperson to the estimated 11 million people (per United Nations figures) who are currently in dire need of food.
AKEL Statement on the recent tragic event at Mari naval base
AKEL Statement on the recent tragic event at Mari naval baseRelease Date: July 21, 2011 The tragic incident at Mari resulted in the creation of a difficult situation for Cyprus.
The "Three Great Achievements"
Original source: China DailyOur “three great achievements” over the past 90 years are that “we have embarked on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and established a socialist system with Chinese characteristics”.

Two Years of Repression and Mobilizations in Honduras
Original source: DialogoThe widespread repression and murders of political and labor union leaders and human rights activists has not stopped ongoing demonstrations in Honduras against the coup-driven government of Porfirio Lobo.
European Financial Crisis: Battle of the Bond Rating Agencies
A shaky agreement patched up between the Greek government and the troika of international organizations, consisting of the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Union, may prevent Greece from defaulting on its international debts July 15.
Germany: Arm Sales Scandal Rocks Parliament
Merkel just wouldn’t let the cat out of the bag.