Articles > June

Consequences of Republican Power
No sooner had Republican governors finished their oath of office than they were demanding deep concessions from public sector workers in their respective states.
Jobs – Where's the Urgency?
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, Executive Council on Diplomacy, Army and Navy Club, Washington, DCJune 24, 2011Thank you for the honor of inviting me to speak to you today.

Can Big Business Solve the Jobs Crisis?
Jobs and job creation, White House officials say, remain the top priority of the Obama administration.
Capitalism and Imperialism
Original source: People's Democracy
Labor Dents Appear in China’s Factory Armor
Original source: CaixinClimbing wages and a diminished demographic dividend point to big changes for the manufacturing sector in ChinaAs labor costs rise, China’s manufacturers are facing unprecedented challenges.
Balanced Budget Amendment Would Threaten Critical Programs and the Economy
Original source: Coalition on Human NeedsUnder the guise of fiscal discipline, House and Senate Republicans are proposing a constitutional amendment to balance the budget. On June 15, the House Judiciary Committee passed a balanced budget amendment along party lines (H.J. Res. 1, with a vote of 20-12).
Our Brave New World
'The optimum population,’ said Mustapha Mood, ‘is modeled on the iceberg—eight-ninths below the water line, one-ninth above.’
Spain’s "Indignant Ones"
While “Europe's slow-motion financial collapse” – as Mother Jones magazine described it in a June 6th article – continues to unravel, Spain, like other European states continues to implement anti-social-neo-liberal policies with strong opposition from the citizenry.
Say No To Austerity Politics
This past week Jared Bernstein, former economic adviser to Vice President Joe Biden let it be known that no new jobs stimulus, WPA-type programs or mortgage relief is even on the table for discussion among most of the president’s advisers, and apparently the president as well.