Articles > June
Reduce the Deficit Without Increasing Poverty
Congress should take steps to protect anti-poverty "safety net" programs during the federal budget deficit negotiations, a coalition of community and civil rights organizations said this week.In a letter signed by about 20 prominent leaders of civil rights, charitable, family advocacy, and faith-based groups, the coalition pointed to a precedent of exempting anti-poverty programs from automatic cuts in order to reduce the deficit.Since the 1990s, the letter reads, "every automatic budget cut mechanism of the past quarter-century has exempted core low-income assistance programs from any automatic across-the-board cuts triggered when budget targets or fiscal restraint rules were missed or violated.
Jobs – Where's the Urgency?
Remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka, Executive Council on Diplomacy, Army and Navy Club, Washington, DCJune 24, 2011Thank you for the honor of inviting me to speak to you today.
Can Big Business Solve the Jobs Crisis?
Jobs and job creation, White House officials say, remain the top priority of the Obama administration.
Say No To Austerity Politics
This past week Jared Bernstein, former economic adviser to Vice President Joe Biden let it be known that no new jobs stimulus, WPA-type programs or mortgage relief is even on the table for discussion among most of the president’s advisers, and apparently the president as well.