Langston Huges Voice Again, with an Apology, by Norman Markowitz

For some reason the poem that I sent by cut and paste was too small to read,  I have put it in bigger type hopelly this will work.

Norman Markowitz

As for the media contentions that the Grand Jury verdict was fair, we should remember that under  the Anglo-American judicial system, endictments are easy to get,  Presecutors usually don't try to indict unless they have a winning case or because for various political and or other reasons they don't want to indict.  In most cases, the now famous comment of a New York State judge, "In New York, you can indict a ham sandwich," is true through the U.S..





Listen, kids who die—
Maybe, now, there will be no monument for you
Except in our hearts
Maybe your bodies’ll be lost in a

Or a prison grave, or the potter’s field,
Or the rivers where you’re drowned like Leibknecht
But the day will come—
You are sure yourselves that it is coming—
When the marching feet of the masses
Will raise for you a living monument of love,
And joy, and laughter,
And black hands and white hands clasped as one,
And a song that reaches the sky—
The song of the life triumphant
Through the kids who die.

(via Richard Reilly with thanks)


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  • This beautiful poem by our bard, Langston Hughes, the very same Hughes who wrote the timeless The Negro Speaks of Rivers-dedicating it to none other than our ( the Communist Party's) W. E. B. Du Bois, speaks to the miscarriages of justice in the Anglo-American judicial system, like that in the Mike-Mike Brown case, the Trevon Martin case, the Emmit Till case, the Johnny Harris case, the Assata Shakur case, the Mumia Abu-Jamal case, the Medgar Evers case, and on and on.
    Blatantly, the County Prosecutor, Robert "Bob" Mc Culloch, allowed or directed Darren Wilson, murdering cop of Mike-Mike Brown, from Ferguson PD to testify on his own behalf, to break convention in Grand Jury investigations -and this after he joined with County Executive elect, Steve Stenger, in a racist campaign which characterized Charlie Dooley, current African American County Executive, as a "Buck" (an old racist and reactionary stereotype) who has mishandled county business for 10 years (never mind that Mc Collough has been in office for approaching 30 years), campaigning that he is and has been "tough on criminals" (the African American people)since, in part, his dad, a cop, was murdered by one of these purported "criminals". Also, the racist Ferguson PD, released a tape to the public, soon after the Mike-Mike Brown murder, (much before the Grand Jury investigation) which allegedly showed the murder victim, Mike-Mike Brown "stealing" in a convenience store (which in Missouri law justifies killing an unarmed citizen-execution style as Brown was apparently) to Mc Culloch and his ilk.
    This is some of the sordid backdrop of what the predominantly white policing of predominantly Black Ferguson, MO is, with this trumpeted "justice", of Mc Culloch, which has been rightfully recently lambasted in the New York Times.
    Revolutionary changes are needed in Ferguson, MO with the hundred municipalities like it in North St. Louis, and St. Louis County-the conditions that the Feds are looking at now, to look at violations of civil rights and proposed changes to help insure the preservation and protections which would insure such rights.
    Remember: what might happen, should, would, we struggle;" Through the kids who die."

    Posted by E.E.W. Clay, 11/26/2014 2:28pm (10 years ago)

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