Marxist IQ for this week
1. Max Weber emerged as the most important social theorist to challenge Marxism with his theory of
a. Corporate personhood
b. Modernization
c. Uncertainty
d. Pyschoanalysis
2. Economist Milton Friedman argued that the economy would work best by
a. Eliminating government regulation and taxation
b. Privatizing public sector activities
c. Manipulating the money supply through monetary policy to prevent depression
d. All of the above
3. Edward Bernstein’s ideas of “evolutionary socialism” a century ago led him to be called a
a. Pragmatist
b. Humanist
c. Revisionist
d. Dogmatist
4. CPUSA leader Gus Hall outlined the CPUSA’s longterm commitment to
a. A Soviet America
b. Bill of Rights Socialism
c. A Pan American Union
d. One Big Union
5. Some of the most distinguished U.S. writers and playwrights were at one time members of the CPUSA and faced political intimidation by HUAC for their association. Which one of the following distinguished writers and playwrights was never a member of the CPUSA
a.Arthur Miller
b. Dashiell Hammett
c. Clifford Odets
d. William Faulkner
Answers to the Memorial Day Marxist IQ