Articles > May 2010
May 2010

Arizona Law Highlights Need for Meaningful Reform
Most Americans want immediate action on comprehensive immigration reform, new polling data revealed this week.
Hundreds of Union Janitors Fired Under Pressure From Feds
Original source: Truthout.orgSan Francisco, California – Federal immigration authorities have pressured one of San Francisco's major building service companies, ABM, into firing hundreds of its own workers.

Fox News Airs Extremist Hate Organization
In a recent article reported on the dubious findings of a discredited report published by the extremist anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic group Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).
Don’t Burn the Books – Ban the Courses that Use Them
The state of Arizona recently passed an "immigration law," which pandered to peoples' worst chauvinist sentiments.
Arizona Immigration Law is "Humane and Legal"?
The Arizona immigration laws are humane and legal, or so says Kris W. Kobach, former chief adviser on immigration issues to former (thank goodness) Attorney General John Ashcroft.