Articles > May 2010
May 2010

Arizona Law Highlights Need for Meaningful Reform
Most Americans want immediate action on comprehensive immigration reform, new polling data revealed this week.

Class and Race in the US Labor Movement: The Case of the Packinghouse Workers
Racism and the Labor MovementHistoric connections between organized labor and African Americans have been problematic.
Hundreds of Union Janitors Fired Under Pressure From Feds
Original source: Truthout.orgSan Francisco, California – Federal immigration authorities have pressured one of San Francisco's major building service companies, ABM, into firing hundreds of its own workers.
Labor stands for Working Families
AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler K Street Showdown, Washington, DCMay 17, 2010Rich Trumka wanted to be here, but instead you have a union sister from Oregon who's no stranger to this rain. Some people thought that the rain would shut us down, but we're here to shut K Street down.Thank you all for coming down here to K Street today.