Reckless GOP Obstructionism Means No Easy Choices

The following is a few days old, but it still makes sense. It is a statement from AFSCME President Gerald McEntee:

Statement of AFSCME President Gerald W. McEntee on the tax compromise

— “Unless Senate Republicans could keep the tax breaks for billionaires, they were willing to raise the taxes of every American working family. They put the interest of billionaires ahead of the needs of millions of unemployed workers and America’s middle class. Their repugnant and reckless obstructionism should now be clear to all. They were willing to do real harm to millions of families if they didn’t get their way. There are no easy choices facing us when GOP senators are willing to sacrifice the middle class in order to protect the interest of Wall Street and the very wealthy. We will continue the fight to require the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.” [emphasis added]

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