Resistance to Imperialist Aggressiveness

'Resistance to Imperialist Aggressiveness. Fronts of Struggle and Alternatives,' presented at the October 2004, Athens, Greece International Meeting Communist and Workers' Parties

Dear Comrades,

I would like to start by expressing thanks to the Greek Communist Party for giving us this precious opportunity to meet and to exchange views over common concerns. This opportunity will definitely serve the communist movement at this critical period.

Humanity as a whole faces the ascending aggressiveness of the US imperialism, which takes manifold forms: political, economic and military throughout all continents. In all cases and by all means the US imperialism seeks to achieve the hideous aims of its Global Strategy, which expressed itself clearly after 9/11 for:

Strengthening the policy and role of the mono-polar power. Strengthening the interests of the USA and the Trans-National Giant Corporations Imposing the New World Order by changing the basis and rules that control the international relations since World War II, including change of the role of the UN Organization.

The implementation of these hideous aims has led to the deepening of the old contradictions and created new contradictions in the international arena. This has also led to a new global conflict characterized by launching a comprehensive world war. Thus, the world has moved from the cold war into a new fierce and multi-face war as implemented in the military intervention in the Balkans, the economic war against the Far East and East Asia in the 90s and the military invasion of Afghanistan and the war against Iraq at the onset of the new century.

These new developments have led to the deepening of old conflicts and the creation of new conflicts due to clashes of contradictions in all spheres. Moreover, hard work is going on to impose globalization of the world economy by the imperialists and their international arms. Consequently, the contradiction between work and the capital has been sharpened and deepened at the international arena and inside every country.

These developments have increased contradictions that manifested themselves in the contradiction between the USA and the other big capitalist countries, especially the G7 countries and in the contradiction between the USA and all peoples of the world, including the people of the USA.

Alongside, globalization of capitalist economy and the pre-requisites of international financial institutions have led into a radical change in the function of the State. It is demanded to decrease the role of the State in the socio-economic life of all societies. This, in its turn, has caused the eruption of class and social contradictions in all countries stimulated by the acute unjust redistribution of the wealth that made the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer. So instead of undertaking its socio-economic role, the State has to confine its main function into issuing regulations and instructions that serve free market economy and guarding the interests of the new classes and the local and foreign forces. Consequently, the oppressing the anti-war and anti-globalization movement should be oppressed by all means and ways.

Foreign debt is one of the important tools to impose great economic and political changes in the developing countries. Foreign debt is used to impose more economic and political dependency and as a means to impose privatization that opens a wide door to foreign capital to control the wealth and destiny of the peoples of Asia Africa and Latin America. The long-term foreign debt of the developing countries has risen from 600 billion US$ in the 80s to 2.2 trillion in 2003. The World Bank and the IMF reports indicate that the developing countries borrowed between 1972 and 1992 a total of 1.935 trillion US$, whereas the total paid back as installments and interests has been 2.237 trillion. Thus, foreign debt has been used as a means to usurp the wealth of peoples and as a tool to impose dependency and annul sovereignty.

The neo-liberalization policy and the economic globalization have led to an increase in poverty and increased unemployment in spite of the rise in wealth because of the unjust redistribution of wealth. For, inspite of the great technological development and development in the means of production, imperialist countries have failed to solve the acute problems facing the developing countries, especially poverty eradication, environment protection, educational problems for the youth, health problems, and the socio-economic development. On the contrary, it increased these problems and is said to threaten humanity with economic, social and environmental catastrophes.

The Middle East and the Arab countries, in particular, form an international platform whereby the USA implements its new global strategy. That's why the USA exploited the 9/11 events to launch an open war against the Arab and Islamic countries under the pretext of war against terrorism. Thus, it led the occupation of Afghanistan and then the war against Iraq. These two events have heightened terrorism instead of lessening it. The war against terrorism has become the pretext for pre-emptive wars and for attacking the general freedoms within countries, even inside the USA.

It is said that the war against Iraq is just the beginning of the US global strategy. The aim is to control the Oil in the region and reshape the international energy policy. The other aim is to draw a new geo-political map of the our region as a beginning for a comprehensive change in the prevailing world order.

The Anglo-American occupation forces in Iraq have been involved in war crimes and in gross violations against human rights. They face difficult situation due to a general and total agreement among all political, social and religious sectors, to struggle against the occupation and for attaining freedom and sovereignty, even though they differ in the ways and means of this struggle. Moreover, it is made cleae day by day that the world condemns the brutal raids on cities, the house destruction, migration of inhabitants, and the inhuman violations against prisoners and detainees.

The USA imperialism relies in carrying out its aggression against the Middle East Region on the American-Israeli alliance. The USA supports Israel in its brutal attack against the Palestinian people and its heroic Intifada. Moreover, the USA stands against reaching a comprehensive and just solution to the Palestinian problem as stated in the UN resolutions that stipulate the insurance of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital and the insurance of the right of return.

The US has gone far, recently, in supporting Israel and defending its inhuman crimes against the Palestinian camps in Jabalia in Gaza and protecting it by the VITO in the UN Security Council against a resolution demanding the stop of brutality against civilians in Gaza. Likewise, the USA exploits what is going on in Darfor to threaten to interfere in the Sudan and in African affairs.

The Greater Middle East Plan that the USA, which was supported in most of its items by the G8 countries is seeking to impose the neo-liberalization in the region under the pretext of introducing democracy and human rights. The major objective is to control the whole region for the interests of the USA and Israel. Therefore, the Greater Middle East Plan is used to threaten countries in the region, especially Syria and Iran as well as perturbing Lebanon. This is similar to threatening other countries in the world like Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and others by calling them the Evil Axis or Rouge countries.

The pivotal task of the Arab world, especially the communist and democratic forces, should be directed to bring to failure the US Plan that seeks to change the geo-politics of the region. To do so, democratic forces should assist the Iraqi fraternal people to regain its independence and sovereignty as soon as possible. An end to the occupation and ousting the foreign troops is a must so as not to allow the USA to succeed in Iraq. It is feared that the situation in Iraq will lead to re-domination of the whole region and to a surrendering policy by the Palestinian people.

A major task in our region should be directed to support the struggle of the Palestinian people to stop the Israeli barbaric aggression and occupation. This is linked with the establishment of an independent sovereign Palestinian state.

The Jordanian Communist Party-JCP struggles against the US plans that aim at increasing our country's political and economic dependency and impose free market. JCP struggles for the defense of the well being of the masses and their right to basic health and education services.

JCP succeeded in building an alliance with the opposition parties, including the leftists, nationalists and religious for defending general freedoms and democracy. 15 political parties have succeeded to function jointly under the opposition alliance for the last 8 years. The Higher Committee of the Opposition Parties is an effective and a recognized body that struggles for an alternative Jordanian policy expressing the will of the people as well as to build up a unified and effective Arab stand against the US-Israeli policy and for supporting the just struggle of the Palestinian and Iraqi peoples.

We believe that the failure of the US-Israeli plans in the Middle East is a great help to the international struggle for confronting the imperialist aggressiveness. Hence the support to the Palestinian struggle for the establishment of its sovereign state and stop the unprecedented crimes committed by the Israel military leaders does not only support the Palestinians in their just struggle but also forms a true participation in stopping the attack against the peoples of the whole world. Likewise, the support to the Iraqi people to regain its freedom, independence and sovereignty is an important factor to stand in the way of the imperialist global strategy that threatens all peoples and the international revolutionary movement. It is not an exaggeration if we say that the success of US plans in the Middle East threatens humanity with serious dangers. Such a success ushers a new era of the militarization of capital globalization and increases the clashes among all contradictions.

We live in part of the world whereby we face the new fascists of today; the US and Israeli fascism.

Let all the revolutionary forces unite for the failure of the US- Israeli Plans.

--Dr. Munir Hamarneh is the General Secretary of the Jordanian Communist Party

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