Supreme Court under scrutiny?

This note comes from, which is calling on the Department of Justice to examine the possible conflict of interest Justices Scalia and Thomas had in the Citizens United case:

• Both justices attended secretive political strategy sessions sponsored by Koch Industries, a major beneficiary of the Citizens United ruling. Koch is a multi-billion dollar conglomerate that has invested millions of dollars in political campaigns and causes.

• Justice Thomas failed to disclose more than $600,000 of his wife Virginia's income from the Heritage Foundation (he has recently amended his filings to reflect this income), or any of her unknown salary from Liberty Central, a political action group that was actively involved in the 2010 midterms.

• Justice Scalia recently met behind closed doors with the head of the House Tea Party Caucus, and Virginia Thomas is now promoting herself as an "ambassador to the Tea Party movement."

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  • @Gary Either Scalia and Thomas went to these meeting or they didn't. It is a simple issue. DOJ needs to look into it. I don't know why you are so opposed to keeping government officials accountable. Maybe just not Republican ones, I guess.

    Posted by Headgear1, 02/10/2011 10:03am (14 years ago)

  • The only "scrutiny" scared up by Common Cause was the video of Common Cause supporters calling for the lynching of Clarence Thomas and the murder of Rupert Murdoch.
    Wether it's the Koch Bros. or Soros, America is ruled by aristocracy who revel in the false consciousness of a representative and responsive government sustained by unprincipled opportunists like Common Cause, a lobbying group who actually profits from the Citizens v United decision they claim to oppose. And it will continue to profit pimping perennial, useless reform of untouchable straw targets as long as Americans believe they can point-and-click their way to a better tomorrow.

    Posted by leftover, 02/10/2011 6:47am (14 years ago)

  • @ Headgear1 - No conspiracies, comrade...just various groups with similar agendas. Scalia has been on the Court for 25 years; Thomas for 20 years. Who is the source of these allegations? Are not the allegations conspiratorial?

    Posted by Gary, 02/09/2011 10:14pm (14 years ago)

  • @Gary I'm pretty sure these actions discredit Scalia and Thomas all by themselves. Conspiracies everywhere, eh? You might want to get that checked out.

    Posted by Headgear1, 02/09/2011 7:00am (14 years ago)

  • This is an obvious attempt to discredit the conservative Justices prior to their ruling on Obamacare.

    "Judicial activism" is court-made law, something much more to the flavor of progressive Justices.

    Posted by Gary, 02/08/2011 8:56pm (14 years ago)

  • This kind of revelation is bound to come to the surface more and more,as we find just how deep our "judicial activism" penetrates-to the rotten core of capitalist,universally corrupt law.
    These figures like Thomas and Scalia,it seems,plan attacks on the Constitution from the rostrum of the ivory halls of supreme lawlessness,depriving those of us who have little more than the protection of the law to sustain us.
    This is perhaps an instance of this.
    Thomas would maybe style himself a Thurgood Marshall,and Scalia himself a Harold H. Burton or a Earl Warren,fooling almost nobody.
    It is high time that these and those other "judicial activists" or other shameless politicians of the worst type stopped masquerading as judges or even lawyers.

    Posted by E.E.W.Clay, 02/08/2011 3:23pm (14 years ago)

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