The Link to the Communist Party of the Ukraine's resolution on the Crisis by Norman Markowitz

The following is the link to the Communist Party of the Ukraine's letter to Communist Parties  It failed to go through the first time I tried to present it at the end of my article

Norman Markowitz


Communist Party of the Ukraine: Open letter to Communist Parties............

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  • Well, as someone who was born in 1946, and knew a lot of Russians, and then married a Russian translator who was involved with the KGB, and who currently works at the NSA, my advice to you is "don't burn down Kiev until you have a Plan B". Don't march in line to your own destruction. Don't let people lead you unless you're know exactly where they are going, or you are going to get stuck in a very bad place waiting to be rescued, only nobody is coming to help. Don't drive your car into the desert without gas and water.

    Posted by Lou Hodges, 04/03/2014 3:51am (10 years ago)

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