The problem of the 21st century is the colorline

Seeing the news of anti-police rebellions in London, I had to think of Detroit 1967 rebellion which was very much an anti-police riot; as were the dozens of such around the US in ghettos in the mid-1960's for several years. Amazing how Europe proper with increasing immigrant populations from the Darker Nations is becoming the US of decades ago. W.E.B. Du Bois' prophecy – the question of the twentieth century is the question of the colorline – is extending further than he made it, to the twenty-first century. See also The World and Africa.

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  • Reverend Al Sharpton, and many, many other activists have made the observation about the colorline's extending into the 21st century.
    Opposing war, racism, colonialism and imperialism, the Communist Party USA member W.E.B. Du Bois, is internationally renown by people of color and those who are not of color. As long as the vestiges of colonialism continue, so long will his prophetic statement from The Souls of Black Folk ring true.
    A hundred years or more ahead of his time on most questions or "problems", our Party member in The World and Africa, helped set the record straight about the vast contribution of Africa to human civilization-which would of course include all Western civilization-with Europe.
    From his Pan-Africanism to his NAACP, to his United Nations activities, vast scholarly creative and activist activities, Du Bois left us many treasures.
    Thank you John Henry.

    Posted by E.E.W. Clay, 08/10/2011 5:53pm (14 years ago)

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