This week's Marxist IQ mixes theory and history
1. Marx and Engels saw the state/”government” as
a. a neutral force in society
b. the source of the exploitation of the people
c. the foundation of democracy
d. both an instrument of the ruling class and a center of the class struggle
2,Marx and Engels saw ideas and ideology as
a. simply created by the ruling class
b. the creation of charismatic individuals
c. developing out of material conditions and class struggle
d. simply reflecting conflicting class interests
3. U.S. imperialism before the Cuban Revolution opposed many popular movements in Latin America accusing leaders of those movements of being Communists. Which one of the following leaders of peoples movements really was a committed Communist?
a. Sandino of Nicaragua
b. Marti of El Salvador
c. Cardenas of Mexico
d. Arbenz of Guatemala
4.Marx and Engels saw “free trade” as “positive” in that it would
a. raise the living standards of workers in the industrial countries
b. raise the living standards of the peasantry in the agricultural countries
c. accelerate the creation of the world market, which would intensify capitalist crisis and speed up proletarianization and socialist revolution globally
d enable capitalist countries to form free trade agreements and international economic unions that would expand and stabilize the world capitalist system
5. Marx and Engels saw the proletarian revolution and the establishment of socialism as
a. a process that would evolve as industrialization and democraticization advanced
b. A process that would take place as anti-colonial revolutions would sweep the world and isolate and surround the industrial capitalist countries
c. A process which would be led by militarized revolutionary parties
d. A process which would both take many forms and experience both defeats and victories, depending upon specific economic, political and social conditions