US activists oppose Bush's war

From Granma International

RESISTANCE to the government of President Bush should start right now and in every possible space, according to US academics in a call to the American people, published in The New York Times.

Prensa Latina reported that a full-page paid advertisement has appeared in the US newspaper highlighting a statement of conscience signed by figures such as Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Eve Ensler and Alice Walker.

Along with other US intellectuals they are part of the national anti-war group Not In Our Name (NION), which criticizes the expansionist militarism of the current administration.

'As George W. Bush is inaugurated for a second term, let it not be said that people in the United States silently acquiesced in the face of this shameful coronation of war, greed, and intolerance. He does not speak for us. He does not represent us. He does not act in our name.'

The published declaration adds that: 'no election, however impartial or fraudulent, can legitimize criminal wars on foreign countries, torture, the wholesale violation of human rights and the end of science and reason.'

The promoters of the call affirm: 'We will not allow further crimes to be committed against nations or individuals deemed to stand in the way of the goal of unquestioned world supremacy.'

They also warn of policies that are limiting basic human rights, as well as the application of social policies based on 'Christian fundamentalism.'

'We cannot wait until (the 2008 presidential elections). The fight against the second Bush regime must start now.

'We must change the political reality of this country by mobilizing the tens of millions who know in their heads and hearts that the Bush regime’s 'reality' is nothing but a nightmare for humanity,' NION declares.

More than 9,000 people have signed this statement of conscience to date, and the intention is to circulate it widely both inside and outside the United States.

The signatories include writers like Barbara Kingsover, Russell Banks, Studs Terkel and Martín Espada, as well as rock star Rickie Lee Jones and Ry Cooder. The legendary poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Sam Hamill and Suheir Hammad, philosopher Cornel West and a variety of political activists, lawyers and progressive religious figures have similarly added their names.

NION announced that The New York Times had agreed to publish this paid advert last Friday, given that the statement is a response to the beginning of the second Bush mandate.

According to the group, nobody at the Times can explain what happened and this is the first time that an advert with a contract and confirmation has not been published on the agreed date.

The statement appeared in the Sunday edition and NION is demanding an explanation, as on the agreed day the main editorial of the paper urged 'acceptance' of the new president.

See also Not in our Name

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